Don’t look now, but a plague is coming! You’ll want to make sure you’re ready for it with the perfect Plague Doctor costume. A real classic Halloween costume, the Plague Doctor is an iconic figure that’s guaranteed to make you stand out at the party.
With these Plague Doctor Costume ideas, you’ll be the most popular plague cure around!
Plague Doctor Costume Idea
The “Plague Doctor” has been seen throughout history in various forms. But the most famous of all the Plague Doctors is, without a doubt, the 17th century “Bird Doctor”. He was known to be responsible for curing countless people from the plague.
The first thing you need when it comes to making a costume is a good idea. You want something that is both funny and scary. With that in mind, I started with an idea of a man who’s job it is to cure the sick and dying. The next step was to make him look like he had been doing his job for quite some time. This is where I came up with a name for my character: The Plague Doctor!
The next thing you want to do is find some pictures of plague doctors. There are many pictures out there on Google Images or even in books if you can find them. Once you’ve found a few that you like, it’s time to start thinking about how they will look on your costume.
Now that you have your images, it’s time to start thinking about what kind of materials you’re going to use to make your costume. You can go with anything from leather to cotton or even rubber if that’s what your budget allows for. I would suggest going
The plague doctor costume is one of the most recognizable costumes. With its bird-like beak mask and dark cloak, this centuries old outfit has been used to help prevent and treat victims of the Bubonic Plague during the 1600s. This type of dress has become a favorite among Halloween revelers looking for something unique, scary and easy to make.
If you are looking for ideas for your Halloween costume, consider making a plague doctor costume. Once you have your basic costume done, you can accent it with any number of props and accessories to set yourself apart from the crowd. Here are five ideas for creating a great plague doctor costume:
1. Classic Plague Doctor Costume
2. Steampunk Plague Doctor Costume
3. Lady or Gentleman Plague Doctor
4. Zombie or Undead Plague Doctor
5. Pied Piper Rat Catcher Costume
It’s October and that means that it’s officially Halloween season! As we move closer to the big day, you may have already picked out a costume or are still undecided. If you are still looking for a costume, I have a great suggestion – the plague doctor!
Dr. Beak is an original character design by Tokyopop artist, Jun Mochizuki. His art style is very unique and has many fans. Unfamiliar with her work? She has several manga series including Pandora Hearts, xxxHolic and Crimson-Shell.
Her character was inspired by the black plague doctors of the Middle Ages who wore protective gear to prevent them from getting sick while treating patients. The beaked mask filled with herbs and spices was designed to filter out bad air (the miasma theory of disease) which was thought to be cause of the plague. In actuality, the plague is caused by Yersinia pestis bacteria which is transmitted by fleas carried by rats and other rodents. The mystery illness spread throughout Europe from 1347-1351 killing an estimated 50 million people (a third of the population at that time). There were also outbreaks in Asia and North Africa during this period.
So if you’re in need some costume ideas for
The history of the plague doctor outfit is long, but it’s not very complicated. The outfit was designed to protect the wearer from the plague. It was not designed to protect the patients from the plague doctor.
The costume consisted of a waxed leather or canvas overcoat and a mask with glass eye holes, a beak-like nose and openings on either side for air. The beak was stuffed with straw, flowers, herbs and spices which were thought to purify the air around the doctor.
The costume may have taken its inspiration from an old Greek theory about how diseases could spread (although this has never been proven). According to the theory, diseases were carried by miasma, which means “bad air.” Doctors believed that if they could smell bad air before it got into their noses and mouths, they could avoid getting sick. So they wore masks made of bird beaks to filter out bad smells.
Plague doctors often wore dark red cloaks with wide hats when visiting patients. This was because red was thought to scare away evil spirits that might cause disease (they were wrong about this). This is why many plague doctors’ costumes have red robes or hats today.
How to Become a Plague Doctor
The best way to become a plague doctor is by getting a medical degree from one of the best colleges. A few of the top colleges include Harvard Medical School, Yale, and Duke University. To become a doctor you need an undergraduate degree in most cases and then to get into medical school you will need to take the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). The MCAT is a standardized test that assesses your ability to become a physician or medical scientist. It consists of 7 sections; Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems, Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior, Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills, Biological Sciences Section (Biology), Physical Sciences Section (Chemistry), Verbal Reasoning Section. If you score high on this test it can help you get into better schools. In total it takes around 11 years after high school plus a year as an intern before you can have your own practice. The median income for physicians in 2017 was $208,000 which is double the national average for all occupations. However becoming a physician is not easy and many struggle with the MCAT so it is important that you study hard if you want to be successful in life!