5 Superheroes You Wouldn’t Want To Meet In An Alleyway (But Are Cool To Watch On Screen)

5 Superheroes You Wouldn’t Want To Meet In An Alleyway (But Are Cool To Watch On Screen)


Spiderman is a great superhero, he even has his own theme song. He can shoot webbing from his wrists and his super strength is only rivaled by other super heroes like the Hulk. But, in reality Spiderman is just a kid who got bit by a radioactive spider. Do you really want your fate resting in the hands of someone who can’t even drive with the massive responsibility you are giving them? If Spiderman was a real superhero he would have to be fired for poor performance after his first few crime-stopping attempts. His iconic costume would be laughable, not intimidating. The bright red and blue colors make him an easy target for any criminal with a gun. Not to mention that someone dressed like that would have to be super strong to carry all of the ridicule he would receive from everyone else about his costume choice.

Superheroes are awesome to watch on screen. They fight villains, save the world and are great role models to kids. But they’re not so cool when they’re off-duty, as Peter Parker would agree! Here are 5 superheroes you wouldn’t want to meet in an alleyway but are cool to watch on screen:

1. Spiderman:

Spiderman is a childhood favourite for most of us. He’s pretty well known for his wisecracks and witty one-liners. He’s a fun guy who’s always cracking jokes and making people laugh. But if you ever meet him in person, there’s no way you’ll be able to have a conversation with him because he will never shut up! And I mean NEVER!!

2. Batman:

Batman is one of the most iconic superheroes of all time for sure. He has no superpowers, yet manages to defeat the bad guys all by himself. But if you somehow end up meeting Bruce Wayne aka Batman at a club or something like that, don’t get too excited about it because he’s one of those serious guys who will never dance with you or do anything remotely fun!

3. Iron Man:

Iron Man is another superhero who has caught hearts across the globe. His movies

It’s been said that there’s no such thing as a perfect superhero. Some may have the super strength, others may be blessed with super speed and some may even have the power to web sling across cities but none can come close to being completely perfect in every way possible.

So in this post we are going to take a look at 5 superheroes who are better off as one dimensional characters on our screens than knocking on your door in real life!

1) Spiderman:

I know very few people would disagree with me when I say Spiderman was one of the coolest superheroes of the early 2000’s. The movies starring Tobey Maguire did a great job of depicting Peter Parker as a normal teenager who just happened to have impressive web slinging skills and super strength. But if you think about it, this guy is actually quite annoying when you get down to it. As much as I love his ability to shoot webs from his wrists, I think it would get quite frustrating having this guy swing from building to building whenever he felt like it. He would probably get more attention than any other superhero because he’d constantly be hanging off windowsills, sticking his tongue out at pigeons and generally being a pest! Not only that but he probably wouldn’t have time

The hero we all know and love. Spiderman is a normal guy who gets superpowers by being bitten by a radioactive spider. The spider bite gave him super speed, strength, agility and the ability to climb walls. He has a keen sense of perception and a strong moral compass. He is a hero that fights crime and protects his city from evil. He can be a little cocky at times but he always has the best of intentions.

Showing off his powers:

We all know that Spiderman can climb walls, swing from buildings and has superhuman strength, but what if he decided to put on a show? If he went up to you and started swinging his web around or climbing on your house, then broke into your home through the chimney with soot all over him? How would you feel? You could just be going about your day when suddenly Spiderman decides to visit you, then he starts showing off his powers right in front of you! That would be very awkward especially if it happened in an alleyway at night time!

What if he wanted to save you?

We have all seen the amount of damage that can be done when Spiderman is fighting his enemies or saving people in his movies. What if he saw you getting into trouble

Spiderman – Some of you might feel that he is a hero and would be fun to hang out with; others might not feel the same way. He doesn’t have superpowers like most other superheroes, but he has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. Peter Parker is a nerdy high school kid who gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gains superhuman powers. He takes it upon himself to keep the city safe from crime, while also balancing his personal life – living with his aunt May, being in love with Mary Jane Watson and juggling college in between.

Being a superhero is pretty cool, but having the weight of an entire city on your shoulders can be quite stressful. Most of us would prefer to sit back and watch him do all the fighting on screen, rather than have him come save our lives at our beck and call.

Spiderman has become one of the most iconic superheroes of all time, but his costume is as ridiculous as it gets. Spiderman has a red and blue suit, with a spider logo on his chest and back. His mask is full bodied, covering his hair and neck, but strangely enough doesn’t cover his mouth or nose. He covers this up with a thin layer of red cloth which he places over his mouth and nose. This looks ridiculous for several reasons: the thin scarf-like cloth he puts over his face would be useless in protecting him from being identified. Also, since the rest of the mask is full bodied and covers most of his face, there’s no real reason to not have the mask cover his mouth as well, so that he would be fully unrecognizable even if someone saw him unmasked.

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