Easter is an exciting time to celebrate with your children. A fun way to do this is by having an Easter egg hunt. It is always fun to watch your child as they are excited to find the hidden eggs. However, sometimes this can be a stressful experience for both you and your child.
Here are 5 tips for you to have a stress free Easter egg hunt:
1. Make sure the location of your egg hunt is considered safe and not a danger zone for your child. Have boundaries so that they won’t go out of the area and into a dangerous zone.
2. Make sure that if you are using plastic eggs that they are small enough so that they will not pose a choking hazard for your child.
3. Try putting non-candy items into the Easter eggs, especially if you have candy allergies in the family or sensitive stomachs in your household. Things such as stickers, erasers, or other small toys will make for great surprises for your children!
4. If you will be hiding real eggs then be sure to hide them well enough that animals won’t be able to find them easily and eat them before the hunt begins!
5. Decorating the eggs first is another fun way to celebrate
Who doesn’t love a good Easter Egg hunt? The kids are running around, screaming and yelling excited to find all the candy they can. This is what we remember as kids. However, when it comes to hosting an Easter egg hunt with your own children things can get a bit crazy. Parents are running around hiding eggs and trying to keep up with their kids as they go from one egg to another. Here are a few tips for a stress free Easter egg hunt for you and your family:
The Lawn
You don’t have to have a big yard in order to host an Easter egg hunt with your children. However, if you do have a smaller yard you may want to consider having the Easter egg hunt at a local park or church grounds. You could also invite some other family members over that live close by and make it into more of an event. The more space there is; the less likely someone is going to step on an egg or not see one that was just recently hidden.
The Eggs
While it may be tempting to use real eggs for this event, it may be a better idea to use plastic ones. They won’t break as easily and if someone does step on one or it cracks, then you won’
When you’re a new parent, it seems like every holiday is more stressful than the year before. With Easter just around the corner, here are 5 tips for making your child’s first Easter egg hunt a fun and stress free experience.
1. Keep the eggs small – This is especially important for children under age 2. If you’ve got big eggs filled with candy, chances are that your child will eat all of their candy before they even notice that there are still eggs left to find. That’s not to say that older kids don’t enjoy finding small eggs too! But if your child is under age 2 and has a habit of putting everything in their mouth, keep it small.
There is a lot of pressure on parents to come up with fun creative play dates and special events for their kids. One of the events that many families celebrate this time of year is Easter and going on an egg hunt.
It can be stressful for a parent to organize and run an egg hunt, but here are 5 tips to keep in mind to help you have a stress free egg hunt:
1. Plan Ahead!
2. Keep it Simple
3. Don’t Hide Eggs Where You Won’t Find Them
4. Use Different Colored Eggs
5. Be Flexible
When my son was born, I knew that I wanted to do a lot of things with him. One thing that I wanted to do was to have a big Easter egg hunt for him each year. I started planning and throwing these events when he was just one and they were very small family affairs. Now we are on year four and the party has really grown! Last year we had over 100 kids come to our house!
As a mommy blogger, I get asked all the time how I host such a large event without losing my mind. Well, here are my top five tips for hosting a stress free Easter party!
1. Keep it simple
Keeping things simple is always the best way to go because then you aren’t trying to keep track of too many details. For example, last year we did an “Underwater” theme for our hunt and when people came in they walked through giant fish nets strung across the doorway and there were fish hanging from the ceiling. But that was it. We didn’t go overboard with decorations or anything like that because we knew that having over 100 kids running around would be enough entertainment for everyone!
2. Make it fun
The idea behind a party is for everyone to have fun so
You will want to make sure you are on time and ready to go. You will want to dress your child in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for the weather. Be sure to bring your camera or smartphone ready to capture those special moments. You can also let them pick out an easter basket or bag.
Make sure you get there early enough to have time to register, sign up, or sign in. Find out where you need to go ahead of time so that you can get there and find a spot early enough before it gets crowded or full.
You will want to have a plan for after the hunt is over so that your child does not feel disappointed when it is over too soon. You can have lunch together, visit family or friends, do some shopping. It is a great time for spending quality time together as a family.
Easter is almost here and that means Easter Egg Hunts! I remember doing them as a kid. We’d go to a park and spend the day looking for eggs in the grass.
Sometimes it went smoothly, sometimes not so much. There were always kids who couldn’t find any more eggs, or kids who thought they had found all of them. That usually ended with someone crying!
So how do you pull off an egg hunt without any stress? Here are a few tips: