“Be a Ghostbuster for Halloween: A blog about how to make the perfect Ghostbusters costume.”
This is the title of a blog written by Jessica Polka. She is a biologist and a science blogger, who writes about how to use biology in everyday life. Her blog is called “All Things Small”.
Jessica will tell you everything you need to know to be a Ghostbuster this Halloween, including where to buy your costume, how to make it yourself, and more. If you want some tips on how to make your own costume, check out her blog at www.allthingssmall.com/blog.
If you want to be a Ghostbuster for Halloween, read this! We’ll tell you how to make your costume the most accurate it can be.
Making the perfect Ghostbuster costume is easier than you think! All you need is a jumpsuit, some felt, and a few other craft supplies.
First you’ll need to get a beige or white jumpsuit. You can buy one at any Halloween store. Alternatively, Target has some nice options for about $20. If you don’t want to spend that much money, there are plenty of DIY projects online to make your own jumpsuit from an old t-shirt and leggings.
Next you need to get your proton pack and ghost trap ready! To make a proton pack, use two large boxes and secure them together with tape. Paints some black stripes on both boxes and use silver duct tape to make the straps. A toilet paper roll will work great as the wand. Just paint it green and attach it with tape or glue to one of the boxes.
For the ghost trap, take another box and turn it upside down so it’s open on top. Paint it gray or black, then paint on the logo in red. You can also find Ghostbusters logos online and print them out onto sticker paper if you don’t want to hand-paint them yourself!
Whether you want to be Peter, Ray, Winston, or Egon this Halloween, you’re going to need a Ghostbusters costume. Here are some tips on making the perfect Ghostbuster costume.
On the left side of your chest, you will need a yellow patch with the Ghostbusters logo. This can either be purchased online or made at home. If you choose to make it at home, print the logo and trace it onto a piece of yellow felt. Then cut it out and glue it to your jumpsuit using a fabric glue like Tacky Glue.
On your left hand, you will need to wear a ring with a stone in it. We recommend using this Ghostbusters logo ring from Amazon as the base for your costume jewelry. You could also use an inexpensive gold-colored band from Dollar Tree and glue on a clear crystal stone from Michael’s craft store.
On your back, you will need an unlicensed nuclear accelerator or proton pack (whatever you prefer). The details will vary depending on whether you want to be Peter Venkman or Ray Stantz. If you’re going for Dr. Venkman’s look, check out this detailed tutorial on how to build his version of the proton pack from scratch (make sure to read through all three parts
The Ghostbuster costume is a classic 80s Halloween get-up, and it’s easy to see why. The dress is comfy, the accessories are fun, and there’s an added bonus of being able to say “Who you gonna call?” all night long.
The costume is simple: a tan jumpsuit, a utility belt full of fake gadgets, and a proton pack strapped to your back. The jumpsuit should be fairly easy to find – just check out any thrift store’s costume section. Look for one in good condition and without too many stains or rips. If you’re having trouble finding a jumpsuit that’s in good enough shape, consider buying one online. You can also look for tan coveralls if the jumpsuits aren’t working out.
The proton pack is probably the hardest part of the costume because it has so many different parts. Luckily, there are many tutorials online on how to make them! I’m including links to two tutorials that seem like they’re pretty comprehensive. They both look like they’re very thorough and easy to follow, so pick whichever one you think looks easiest!
I’d love to hear about any other Ghostbuster costumes you put together this year!
With Halloween coming up, I thought it was about time I shared with you my guide to making the perfect Ghostbusters costume. That’s right, a guide for both men and women.
There are plenty of costumes out there that you can just buy, but in my opinion they just don’t compare to the satisfaction of being able to say “I made this myself.” You can also customize it however you want!
First off, if you’ve never done any sewing before or you’re not very confident in your ability, don’t worry! This costume is simple enough that even beginners can do it. All it requires is straight lines and a few simple curves. It’s a good idea to try it out on something first though so you know how your sewing machine works.
If you don’t have access to a sewing machine there are plenty of YouTube videos that show how to sew by hand.
2 yards plain black fabric (for pants)
1 yard tan fabric (for belt)
2 patches of black felt (for knee pads)
1 patch of tan felt (for name tag)
Threads that match your fabrics
Measuring tape or ruler
Are you ready to bust some ghosts this Halloween? If so, you’re going to need the perfect costume. Luckily, I’ve put together a step-by-step guide to creating the best Ghostbusters costume possible. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!