At any given time, there is a certain amount of work one can do. If you impose a smaller limit, such as only working 8 hours a day, that’s a choice that will be reflected in your other choices. If you think it’s important to have time to spend with your family and friends, then you have to choose to work less than if you didn’t think this was important.
Some people have made the choice to wear the hulk costume all year round. They are always at work. Their family life is whatever they can grab in between working and sleeping, which is not much.
As far as I can tell, this approach makes people unhappy and unproductive. This seems like a bad tradeoff. But it’s their choice to make, and for some reason many people seem drawn to it.
I’m not a Marvel fan, so when I first saw the Hulk costume, I thought it was some kind of new, hipster-approved onesie. And then I realized who the Hulk was and why that wasn’t the case.
I’ve been doing a lot of work with startups lately, and that means I’ve spent a lot of time meeting with people in various stages of trying to start something. I’m pretty sure the majority of people who want to start something are wearing their own version of the Hulk costume. In fact, if you’re thinking about starting something, you’re probably wearing it too.
And this isn’t a bad thing. Being passionate about your idea is important for any startup or entrepreneur. The problem is that passion can blind us to what’s really going on around us as well as our own motivations. It might be hard to hear, but you need feedback on your decision and your ideas. You need to be able to see whether or not your idea is realistic, and whether or not the market wants it. The last thing you want is to get so caught up in your idea that you don’t listen to feedback and miss important details. Don’t be so passionate about your idea that you wear it all year round like the Hulk.
If you want to go into business with someone, you need to know how skilled they are at making decisions. But if you ask them directly, over a job interview or even over dinner, they’ll most likely tell you what they think you want to hear. “I’m very good at making decisions!”
The investor should ask: How many times have you worn the hulk costume?
If you’ve heard this story before, it’s because the Hulk is one of my favorite superheroes. But the lesson applies more broadly than that. It applies to any choice that was once high-risk and high-reward but has since become lower-risk and lower-reward.
Investing in startups is like that now. In the 90s it was still high-risk and high-reward; now it’s become lower-risk and lower-reward. If you’re an angel investor today, your average outcome is probably going to be more like $1 million than $100 million. So unless the person you’re thinking of investing in has a lot of experience with this kind of thing, chances are they’ll be bad at it.
I was in another kind of business, but I was still in the fashion business. I was selling power suits and shoulder pads to women who were trying to act like men. We were told that we were supposed to look like men, act like men, think like men, and even smell like men. It was an act of rebellion for me to begin wearing dresses and makeup again. I became associated with a “feminine” style just at the moment when it was unpopular to be associated with femininity.
I tried to convince myself that the world would change soon. But the world doesn’t change overnight. And if you’re a woman in business, you don’t necessarily have the luxury of waiting for it to change. So I had a choice: either I could change my style so that it fit into that world of business, or I could find another world where my style would fit naturally.
Luckily, there was another place where dressing up every day is considered normal: the theater. The hardest part about leaving my job as a lawyer was realizing that I wouldn’t get to wear those beautiful designer suits anymore. But in the theater, wearing costumes is part of the job! And since most plays take place in another time and place, it’s not unusual for actors
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
I’m sorry to say that I’ve met more of the second kind.
The first step to making any decision is gathering information. But you can’t just gather any old information; you need to gather the right kind of information. If your goal is to design a car, for example, then it doesn’t help you much to know what people ate for breakfast this morning.
So how do you make sure you’re getting the right kind of information? By having a model in your head that describes the world, and using that model to filter the information you observe. You ignore most of it because it’s irrelevant to what you’re trying to do, and pay attention only to the parts that fit your model.
You need a good model of the world if you want to get reliable answers out of incomplete data. But if your model is too good, it can be even worse–because then you dismiss as irrelevant anything that doesn’t fit your model, even if it’s important. You become unwilling or unable to notice anything except what you expected going in.
This is not an academic problem; I’ve made this mistake myself many times in my career. The most
If you are an artist, developer, or designer, and you have something that you’re proud of, share it with the world.
A few days ago I shared a screenshot of what I’m working on. This is something that I rarely do, even though it’s fun to do. Whenever I do it, people say nice things and they want to know more about what they saw. It’s also a good way to get feedback on your work so far.
I didn’t share anything in the past few months because I’ve been busy. I’ve been busy making mistakes and trying new things until they were good enough to release. But now I have some screenshots and gifs that I’m happy with and I can show them without feeling like a fraud.
This is the landing page for my side project — The Library of Babel — which is a collection of the most important books ever written by man. The project has been in development for over 2 years and will eventually become a free e-book library for anyone who wants to learn about something new or different. You’ll be able to search for books and read them as if you have your own personal library at home.
I hope this doesn’t sound like a sales pitch because it isn’t one. If