“Cosplay At A Con 101: 10 Things All Beginners Should Know” is a blog about cosplay and some tips for beginners.
Cosplay is short for “costume play”, and it’s an activity in which participants called cosplayers wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character. This can be from movies, TV shows or even video games. It was first popularized by fans of Japanese anime/manga but has since grown into a hobby enjoyed worldwide.
Wearing a costume from your favorite movie or TV show may seem like fun, but there are many things to keep in mind when you’re new to cosplaying. Here are 10 things all beginners should know before they get started.
Cosplay At A Con 101: 10 Things All Beginners Should Know
by MegSketch
So you’re a new cosplayer, or you’ve been doing it for a while but never went to a convention. You want to know some things that you should know before going to one. Well, I’ve got your back! Here is my list of ten things all cosplayers should know before they go to their first convention.
1. Cosplay is not consent! Just because someone is dressed up in a costume does not mean they are okay with being touched or hugged! Ask the person before you do anything like that, and if they say no, please respect them!
2. Not all costumes are bought; some people make their own costumes. Do not assume that just because someone bought a cosplay from eBay or Amazon that it makes them any less of a cosplayer than someone who made theirs from scratch! There are many reasons why people choose to buy rather than make cosplays and they vary from person to person. It might be due to time constraints, lack of materials, or even certain medical conditions that prevent making their own costume! Please be respectful of everyone’s choice regarding their costumes; don’t
Cosplay At A Con 101: 10 Things All Beginners Should Know
Cosplaying is fun, but it can also be a bit intimidating if you’ve never done it before. Here are 10 things that I wish somebody had told me before I went to my very first convention.
1. Wear your costume as much as possible at the con. You don’t have to wear it all day, but if you’re changing outfits in between events it’s easy to forget that you were supposed to wear your costume for a panel or a photoshoot or some other event and suddenly you’re running around trying to find an empty bathroom stall so you can change back into your costume. And if you’re changing in the car there’s always the possibility that your cosplay will end up stained from oil leaks or dirty from sitting on the floor of the car. Don’t give yourself extra work by having to clean your cosplay because you were too lazy to put it on in the morning.
2. If this is your first cosplay and it’s big (like armor or a giant dress) then take someone with you who can help you get around. It’s much easier to navigate crowds or small spaces when there are two of you, one person in front holding up
Cosplay at a convention can be a daunting task. You’re in public, surrounded by people you may not know, and dressed up as someone you aren’t. With the world of cosplay being so welcoming, how could it be scary? Well, it’s one thing to dress up and go to your local comic book store. It’s another thing entirely to do that when there are thousands of people all around you doing the same thing, and you don’t know any of them.
I’ve seen many new cosplayers get discouraged after their first convention because they didn’t think about what they were doing. They just threw something together at the last minute and hoped for the best. Sure, sometimes that works out wonderfully, but most of the time it doesn’t. Cosplay is something that takes preparation and practice to do well.
So here are 10 tips for all you new (or prospective) cosplayers out there who might be thinking about going to your first convention in costume!
Cosplay, or costume play, is a way for fans to show their love for a particular film, TV show, comic book series or video game. Dressing up as a favorite character from one of these media can be a great deal of fun, but it can also be intimidating for someone who has never done it before.
Here are some things to keep in mind when cosplaying at a con.*Cosplay is not consent.
Ask before taking pictures. Some cosplayers are happy to pose for photos with you; others may have time constraints and simply won’t have time to take pictures with everyone.
If the cosplayer says no photos, don’t take any! If they say yes, then feel free to ask them to pose in a certain way (such as with their sword drawn).*Cosplay etiquette goes both ways.
Make sure you are respectful of the cosplayer’s personal space and belongings while they pose with you. Don’t touch their costume unless they give you permission – this means don’t fix their cape or adjust their sword sheath.*Cosplay takes time and money.
Be respectful of how much work the cosplayer put into their costume and props – it took them hours to create what they’re wearing!*The best costumes aren
I have been cosplaying since the year 2000. I have had my fair share of ups and downs, and mistakes. If I could go back in time, I would tell myself all the things that I know now, but didn’t know then – because they don’t teach you this stuff in school. So here it is: a beginner’s guide to cosplay.
I am going to be listing some tips and tricks to get you started on your first cosplay adventure. If you are an old pro at conventions, please bear with me as I give advice to those just getting started. And if you are a newbie, hopefully these tips can help make your first convention a lot less intimidating!