Yes, the point of this blog is that Halloween decorations are expensive. And that’s a problem for anyone who has to spend money on them every year. But here’s the thing: Halloween is over in one week. The last day is Friday, October 31.
It doesn’t matter if you want to be a “scary” Freddy Krueger or a “fun” Spider-Man. You can buy your costume before the 31st and still wear it on Halloween night. And if you know where to look, you can even find some great costumes online at (this post’s) competitors’ sites and at garage sales and thrift stores, and still have plenty left over for next year.
For example, let’s say you need a scary Freddy Krueger costume that includes long black gloves with long plastic fingernails, a hat with sharp pointed spikes sticking out of it, and a red and green striped sweater with white skull buttons. You can find all that on Amazon or at Costume Discounters or at a local thrift store for $30-$50 total, including shipping. That’s cheaper than buying from the big costume stores.
If you’re hosting a party for 30 people, you’ll need about $150 in decorations; if your budget
Halloween is a wonderful holiday, but there’s a hidden cost to it. If you don’t have lots of money to spend on decorations, you need to make due with what you have. Or how about only having enough money for one big-time decoration?
How do you go about decorating?
First and foremost, keep it simple. The less stuff that is visible from the street, the better. If people can see your house from all angles, they’ll know what you’re up to. A lot of decorations are visible from at least one side of the house. And most people live in neighborhoods where they can walk by their neighbors’ houses and check them out; if your neighbor has an elaborate set of pumpkins decorating his front yard, your neighbors may catch you at it.
Secondly, think like an alien: no bright lights in windows or garish signs on fences and trees. There are only so many times a person can walk by a house before they stop and wonder why someone would put X number of huge illuminated jack o’lanterns on their front fence just because it’s Halloween.
Thirdly, surround yourself with things that convey a sense of fun: go for brightly-colored plastic spiders (or plenty of spiderwebs
You can’t start planning for Halloween until September or later. You have to decide what you want, how much you can afford, and if you want it to last until the next year. And then you have to decide on a theme that’s not going to break the bank.
It’s kind of like getting married. The first thing is deciding whether you really want to get married. Next, do you know how much money you can spend? Then how do you decide on the wedding dress? Do you find the perfect designer gown that will make your grandmother cry? Or do you go local and find a shop where they sell off-the-rack dresses at a reasonable price? If it’s a cashmere dress, will it be as soft as in the catalogue? What about the veil? Does it have crystals or embroidery or Swarovski stones? Does it have piping or is it just one piece of fabric that looks like a veil from one side and a pantsuit from another?
If this is frustrating for you, then you’re probably going for the second choice: try to find something that fits your budget. I’d recommend something at least in the $100-$200 range (for instance, a simple black dress with good sleeves, $90)
I’ve often gone to a party dressed up as Freddy Krueger, but I never know where to start! Here are some tips on how to make the costume without too much expense.
First of all you will need a Freddy Krueger costume.
You can get these at novelty stores or on-line. But try to keep it cheap and simple. The original movie was made in the 80’s and its subject matter probably caused it to be out of fashion by now. Try not to pay more than $30 for it (and remember, you only have to wear it once).
The mask is important. For a good one, look at the Muppets store on-line. It is made out of a foam material that looks like plastic but is light weight and comfortable. It comes with eye holes, which are critical if you are going to be able to see through them when taking off your mask for fighting scenes.
The mask should also come with a strap that goes around your head. This is convenient if you have glasses, but it can also make the mask even more secure around your face during closeups.
I would also consider getting some gloves that are designed for use with latex makeup (like those used for stage plays). These gloves
It is important to have a special costume for Halloween. There are many people who have no idea how to go about finding one. However, in order to avoid breaking the bank in order to buy your Halloween costume, you do not have to spend a lot of money. In fact, all you really need is a little creativity and a little bit of help from others.
It’s okay if you don’t get everything perfect. A costume with a few flaws is still better than none at all. And even if you decide that you want to purchase something for your costume, it can be cheaper to make it yourself than buy it already made.
Part of making your own costume has to do with how you feel about the overall look of your costume. Do you like the way it looks? Do you like the way it feels? Do you think it will make other people laugh or smile? Are there other things about your costume that are important to you?
There are many different parts that all work together in order to make a successful Halloween costume:
1) The costume itself
2) The color scheme
3) The accessories
4) The face paint
5) The wig or hair extensions (for some very specific costumes, such as Freddy Krueger,
If the price of a costume is too high, trick-or-treating at home is a fine alternative. If it’s not too expensive, consider renting a movie- or TV-inspired costume. The most important thing to remember is that Halloween is meant to be fun and silly, so go with your flow!