I’m a hippie. I tell everyone I meet all the things I’ve done that are illegal and could get me in trouble if they want to report me. The funny thing is, people know that if they did report me, I would go to jail. They don’t do it though, because they know that there’s no way they can prove anything in court.
I also tell them how they can avoid this situation by not doing illegal things or getting caught with illegal things. But most people don’t listen to me anyway, because they believe they have nothing to lose by doing what they want.
So those are my thoughts on the subject. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.
I was just wondering, do you think a police officer can tell me to do something when I’m not commiting a crime (or in the process of committing a crime)? If so, are they able to ask me for my ID? Is it like asking “May I see your ID?” instead of “Show me your ID.”. I’m asking because there is no law saying that you need to carry an ID and you don’t have to show them one if they don’t ask. I know it isn’t illegal to not carry an ID. But what if the officer asks and you say no? Can they arrest you or can they take you in on suspicion of something else?
I know this isnt an issue in my area but it is becoming more of an issue in other places.
How dare you question my methods I have been doing this for 5 years now and it has always gone over well with the family. I have no children of my own and do not need a silly little costume for my party. So I’m sorry to hear about your situation but you will not be able to get around it by using someone else.
I am really enjoying reading your articles on the subject and am very excited about what lies ahead for me as well. We have our own business that we run from home and have three children who are all under the age of four so there are a lot of responsibilities that go along with having our own company. What are your thoughts on how we can make this work?
Thanks again for sharing!
To begin with, the Captain America costume is a great costume that has been used by many people from the early days of sports. It has always been one of the best costumes in history, but there were a few people who did not like it.
One of these was Charles Lindbergh. He said that the Captain America costume was too “fancy” and it would make people think that he was an American hero. This made him angry because he thought that he was not a hero but an ordinary person.
So he decided to take off his mask and wear a different one. This made him look more like a regular person.
Now, you may well be asking yourself, why would anybody want to wear a WWII-era Captain America costume? It’s not as though this is the only superhero out there. There are plenty of capes and masks to choose from on the market. Most of them are far sexier than this stiff old gear. And it’s not like Cap is even a particularly popular character these days – he’s got his own movie coming out in May, but you’ve probably never heard of him. And even if you have heard of him, you’re certainly not a huge fan.
So why bother? The answer is simple: because it is your patriotic duty to do so. You’re an American, aren’t you? You know what I’m talking about. You’ve got that burning desire to serve your country, but you don’t really know how. Well now you do! You can be the first person on your block to show off your true American pride by wearing a Captain America costume!
But wait a minute…there are some caveats here. For example, if you’re thinking that wearing a Captain America costume will make you look like some kind of wimpy nerd or something, think again! This costume was designed by an actual former U.S. Army
I am a member of the United States Army. I have been serving for 11 years. I have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. I take orders from the President, and have sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States.
I am not a superhero. I do not wear a mask or cape. My uniform is camouflage, and it is designed to hide me and my unit in an environment that is generally hostile to us.
I don’t do what I do because I want to be a hero; I do it because it is my job. It is my duty, and it is an honor to serve in this way. I live by a code of conduct which requires me to treat all people with dignity and respect.
My name is Christopher Backus, and I am Captain America.