Over the years, I’ve been asked a lot of questions about plague doctor costumes and whether or not people should be worried. I’m going to try to answer the most common ones here.
Plague doctors have gotten a lot of attention recently for their costumes, which feature a beak-like mask filled with herbs. The mask was designed to protect them from putrid air, which was seen as the cause of infection. This protective quality has given them a somewhat macabre image. However, some people have claimed that it is a myth that these doctors wore these masks. While it is true that there is no evidence in contemporary accounts or images for such a costume, there are indications that at least some plague doctors did wear them.
The first record we have of this costume comes from a 15th century French text called “La Peste,” by Gilles de Corbeil. In the book, he describes how the physicians who treated victims of the plague wore strange clothing, including gloves and boots made of bird feathers.”
Plague doctor costumes are the hottest thing this Halloween. But what does it mean to you?
Maybe you think it’s just a costume. Maybe you’re worried that people will think you’re insensitive, or that it glorifies the plague. Or maybe you’re worried about something else entirely.
Whatever it is, we’ve got you covered. We’ll take a look at some of the best costumes out there, and help you make sure your costume doesn’t cross any lines.
What is a plague doctor?
Plague doctors were physicians who treated victims of the bubonic plague during the 17th century. They were known for their distinctive masks, which were designed to protect them from disease while they treated patients.
Plague doctor costumes are the hottest new thing this Halloween season, but are you prepared to handle all of the next-day consequences? Probably not!
At the office, your co-workers will ask you if you have an STD. If you have an STD, they will ask you if it is the plague. Either way, they will avoid eye contact and keep a full six feet away from you in every situation. In both cases, they will later laugh behind your back.
If your friends invite you to a party, they will send you a text message like “hey [your name], not trying to kick anyone out or anything but we wanted to let you know that we’ve hired security for tonight because of the plague. it’s nothing personal and we still love u ok bye.” They will then go on to have the best night of their lives without you.
If your significant other sees what you’re wearing and doesn’t recognize it as a costume, he or she will dump you immediately and never speak to you again. In fact, everyone in your life will shun and reject you forever if they mistake your costume for real life plague doctor attire. We don’t make the rules; we just recommend staying indoors on Halloween if there’s any chance someone might think
Pestilence and plague are not a thing of the past. For example, 600 years ago, Europeans died by the thousands during the Black Death. Many people can’t see past this, and they think that today’s world is safe from outbreaks of pestilence and plague. This is totally wrong.
A doctor costume can save your life! If you don’t believe me, then you should watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQlFj_aLJiY&t=1s
The video shows what happens to people who visit a public place without wearing a protective doctor costume, compared to those who do. The results are pretty shocking! After seeing this video, I decided that I would never leave my house again without wearing a doctor costume.
There are still many people out there who say that you shouldn’t be worried about these things happening in our modern world. They’re wrong! The reality is that we need to be prepared at all times for any disaster scenario, including pestilence and plague. These types of costumes can help prepare you for these scenarios by allowing you to stay safe while being on-trend with the latest fashion trends.”
The plague doctor costume is one of the most recognizable costumes of the middle ages, though it was only worn by doctors and those they tended to. It is composed of an ankle length overcoat and a bird-like beak mask, often filled with sweet or strong smelling substances (commonly lavender), along with gloves, boots, a wide-brimmed hat, and an outer over-clothing garment.
The reason for the outfit is that doctors believed that disease was spread by miasma, a noxious form of “bad air”. The outfit allowed them to walk amongst plague victims without catching the disease themselves. Though some doctors were known to catch the plague and die from it, being infected by airborne diseases while wearing the full costume was rare. The costume did not entirely eliminate this risk, as there are documented cases of doctors being infected via their eyes, which were exposed.
Historically accurate plague doctor costumes are usually tailored to each individual wearer. While there are examples from history where some components were pre-made and used in different combinations (such as the overcoat and the beak), many were specially constructed for use in their entirety only once.
Plague doctors filled a number of roles, from pest control to public health officer to physician. The uniforms they wore were intended to protect them from airborne diseases; the cane was used to examine patients without having to touch them.
[Plague doctors] dressed head to toe in thick black robes, often waxed and oilcloth or leather, in an attempt to keep away bad air. They wore a mask with glass eye openings and a cone nose shaped like a beak to hold scented substances, such as herbs or flowers, thought to protect the wearer from disease-filled air. The masks were often shaped like animals’ heads, with hollow eyes and long snouts filled with sweet-smelling concoctions. The garment also included gloves, boots and a wide-brimmed hat to protect the doctor from any evil miasma that might exist.
Plague doctor masks were most often made from black beak-like masks, which had glass openings for the eyes and a curved beak shaped like that of a bird. The beak held dried flowers (including roses and carnations), herbs (including lavender and peppermint), spices, camphor, or a vinegar sponge. The purpose of the mask was to keep away bad smells, known as miasma, which were thought to be the principal cause of the disease. The beak shape allowed doctors to carry a supply of these pleasant-smelling things close to their nose while they were attending to their patients.
We also have some historical records about plague doctors’ practice. They believed in balancing the four humors: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. To maintain this balance, physicians advised their patients to “have a good diet, get plenty of fresh air and exercise, avoid stress and worry, get plenty of sleep”.