Halloween Costumes: What NOT to Wear This Year
If you’re a human being, you’ve probably by now been invited to at least one Halloween party this year. Maybe you have a costume picked out already, or maybe you’re still struggling to find the right fit. While there is a wide range of costumes out there that are suitable for the occasion, there are some costumes that you should avoid wearing this Halloween. Wearing any of these costumes is sure to earn you an awkward glance from your host and at best, a quick departure from the party. Below are just a few of our suggestions for what not to wear this year.
1. The Hot Dog: No matter how delicious hot dogs may be, nobody wants to see someone dressed as one for Halloween. This costume is only suitable for those who want to be shamed and ridiculed all night long. If you’re looking for something more appetizing, we suggest opting for a fruit or candy bar costume instead!
2. Sexy Nurse: Nothing sends the wrong message to strangers faster than wearing a skin-tight nurses outfit with thigh-high stockings on Halloween night. If you’re looking to score with someone at your next costume party, try a sexy cat or bunny look instead!
3. Vampire
If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting me, you know that I love Halloween. Each year I always look forward to planning my costume and decorating my house for all of the trick-or-treaters! This year is no different; however, I want to take a moment and talk about one of the biggest fashion no-no’s when it comes to Halloween and costumes.
As we get closer to October 31st and all of the parties start happening (and with them, the costume contests), I am noticing more and more people wearing this horrifying costume: The Playboy Bunny. While I’m sure you have noticed it as well, there are a few things you might not have thought about when it comes to this particular outfit.
First of all, let’s start at the foundation of this costume: the ears. While they are cute in theory and make anyone who wears them look adorable, they are actually very dangerous. Not only can they be used as a weapon if provoked, but they also pose a huge choking hazard for anyone who finds themselves within arm’s reach of you at a party.
Halloween is approaching and everyone is looking for the perfect costume that will have everyone talking and laughing. Well, some costumes are best left undiscussed. There are many different costumes that you can wear, but there are some that you should avoid wearing at all costs.
The first costume to avoid this year is the Playboy Bunny costume. Everyone has a playboy bunny costume in their closet, but you need to stay away from it. These costumes have been in style for almost seventy years, so it’s time to retire it. The other reason not to wear this costume is because of the new law passed by your local government about police officers dressing up as men of the law for Halloween. They’re doing this to catch people who commit crimes on Halloween night. So why would you want to get caught committing a crime while wearing a playboy bunny costume?
Another costume that you should avoid wearing is an offensive costume that involves someone being offended by your outfit or makeup. This could be an outfit or makeup involving race or religion. This can make you look very ignorant and offensive on Halloween night, which can lead to many people not speaking to you for the rest of your life!
Saving money can be another reason why these costumes shouldn’t be worn this year. Most
A Playboy Bunny costume is a popular choice for Halloween every year. However, this costume is also one of the most provocative costumes you can wear. If you are wearing this costume to a party or other event where women will be dressed in a more conservative manner, you may want to reconsider your choice. It could cause some uncomfortable moments and hurt feelings if some of the other women feel that it is inappropriate.
Wearing the Playboy Bunny Costume
The Playboy Bunny outfit has become synonymous with Hugh Hefner and the Playboy empire. Hefner created this image by putting cute girls in bunny ears and tails while they served drinks at his club. The original Playboy Club opened in Chicago in 1960, but was later closed and replaced by clubs around the country. The clubs were known for their risque nightclub entertainment atmosphere and attracted many celebrities over the years.
Playboy Bunny Costume
Many women will be dressing up as Playboy Bunnies this Halloween. This costume is simple to make, but there are a few tips you should know to make your costume really stand out. First of all, you should decide if you want to be a black and white or a colored bunny. White bunnies wear a white corset with black trim, while colored bunnies wear the opposite. If you’re going with the colored version, the corset can be any color you like. My favorite is white on red.
Next, you need to choose your shoes. The traditional Playboy Bunny wears thigh-high boots that have heels at least five inches high. These look great with the corset and fishnets, but beware: They can be dangerous if you’re not used to walking in them! Consider wearing platform boots for an easier time dancing and making your way through crowded party spaces.
If you’re wearing a black or red corset or both, then it’s customary to wear white gloves and white tights in addition to the fishnet stockings that are part of the basic costume. A set of long cotton gloves is also included with many Playboy Bunny costumes as well as other
I was watching America’s Next Top Model last night, which is unusual for me. I’m not a big reality television fan and I’ve only seen one other episode of this show. But thanks to the magic of TiVo, I can watch anything that comes on after 8:00 pm without getting up from my sofa or missing any of my favorite shows. So there I was, flipping through the channels, when Tyra Banks told one of the contestants that she needed to “go out and get a playboy bunny costume.”
I don’t know if you have ever seen a playboy bunny costume before, but believe me when I tell you that it doesn’t leave much to the imagination. It’s basically a bathing suit with pom-poms on it. And it’s about as classy as a french maid outfit. But what do you expect from a reality TV show?