Here’s Why Police Officers Wear Silly Hats

Police officers wear silly hats for the same reason that soldiers used to wear plumes on their helmets. The uniforms serve a purpose, and the silly hat is part of the uniform.

The purpose of police uniforms is primarily to convey authority and make the wearer seem imposing. The purpose of military uniforms is also to convey authority, but also to make the wearer seem impressive, even slightly scary. Before modern times, soldiers were often hired from among criminals and ne’er-do-wells who had nothing better to do than fight; an important part of the job was convincing them that it was a good idea to stand up straight and march in a line.

In medieval times, police officers were not expected to be imposing; they were expected to be fast runners who could chase down criminals, so their primary purpose was identification. This uniform carries forward today in some sports like track and field or cycling, where distinguishing between competitors is critical. In our day, however, many police officers are expected to be physically imposing as well as being easily identifiable, so they wear the same sort of uniform as soldiers: dark blue or black with lots of brass buttons and medals.

The stereotypical policeman’s hat is a flat-topped roughly cylindrical cap with a visor. It

You were probably taught in school that police departments wear silly hats to denote their status as public servants. This is completely false. Police officers don’t wear silly hats to denote anything other than the fact that they are police officers.

The real reason police departments wear silly hats is because they’re silly, and stupid people think it’s funny. The only thing sillier and stupider than a police department wearing a silly hat is a grown man who thinks it’s funny when a police department wears a silly hat.

It’s not easy being a police officer. You have a dangerous job and you have to take orders from people who are often less qualified than you are. So if you need to wear a silly hat to make it through the day, we won’t judge you.

But what is the function of that silly hat? Is it more than just a style choice? Well, the purpose of hats has changed over time, but they still serve many important functions. The earliest hats were made of straw or animal skin and were designed to keep out the sun or rain. In the 19th century, hard hats were introduced as safety equipment; these later evolved into the military helmets worn by soldiers today. And nowadays, many people wear hats simply for style points.

Many police officers wear brimmed hats as part of their uniform. These days, most officer wear baseball caps instead of brimmed hats. This may be because baseball caps are easier to store or because they allow officers to run and jump with ease.

The police uniform is designed to create an air of authority. Police officers want criminals (and ordinary citizens) to know that they mean business. If a man in a funny hat approaches me on the street, I may laugh; if a man in a funny hat walks up

The last time I was in London I took a photograph of a police officer that went viral. It wasn’t because of anything he was doing — he was just standing there, guarding the door to Downing Street — but because of what he was wearing: a silly hat.

With his helmet perched atop a mop of blond hair, his uniform pressed and pristine, and his polished boots gleaming, he looked like a cross between a soldier and a traffic warden, or maybe an extra from Les Miserables.

The police officer’s job is not to look like a traffic warden or a soldier or Jean Valjean; it is to maintain order and keep the public safe. So why do we dress them up? Why do police uniforms look so similar around the world; why do they make their officers wear funny hats?

This is a hat.

The police wear these hats.

But why do they wear these hats? There’s an answer, but it’s not the answer you think it is. We’re going to tell you what that answer is, but first we need to tell you a story. Are you ready for this?

Once upon a time there was a man named John Peel. He was a police officer in London and he liked to go hunting on the weekends with his friends. One day, while out hunting, Mr. Peel fell off his horse and broke his leg. This meant that he couldn’t do his job for several weeks, so he had to stay at home and recuperate instead of doing his regular patrols around town like usual. While resting at home one day, Mr. Peel began thinking about how difficult it would be to mount another horse after recovering from his injury because horses are really tall animals and even when healthy it’s hard to get up onto one from ground level without someone lending you an extra hand or two (or foot). So Mr. Peel came up with an idea for how he could get back on top of his horse without any help at all: he would cut down some tree branches, weave them together into a thick

The origin of this uniform headgear can be traced back to the 1800s. The first police officers were all part of a watch that was established in order to help solve the issue of crime. At this time, officers were expected to wear top hats and tails, which made them look extremely professional, but also made them stand out from the public.

In 1844, these uniforms were replaced with more practical attire that included a round cap, which was similar to the ones that railway workers wore at this time. The cap had a leather visor on it and was referred to as a “glengarry” bonnet.

This hat continued to be worn by officers in major cities until around 1914 when it was decided that a new style would be introduced. This new style was based on a military design, and it is one that has been used ever since.

An interesting thing about this style is that it is very similar to the ones that are worn by soldiers in the US Navy. This is because the navy was asked to provide several hats and uniforms for use on land during World War 2. One of these caps was given to an inspector from Scotland Yard who then took it back to Britain where it became very popular with police forces.

I used to think the reason police officers wear uniforms is that they’re supposed to be authorities. That’s a myth. Uniforms don’t make people into authorities. If anything, they do the opposite.

The most important effect of a uniform is to point out that the person wearing it isn’t an individual, but part of a group. Group membership can sometimes be a source of authority, but only when the group has power: kings might command respect; peasants probably won’t. And in any case it’s not the uniform that confers this authority; it’s the power of the group behind it.

You can see what I mean if you think about how you react to different kinds of uniforms. A policeman’s uniform is designed to look authoritative and intimidating; if you encounter one on the street you get out of his way, because he represents an organization more powerful than you are (and which will hurt you if you cross it). But then there are also uniforms whose purpose is to make people laugh and get out of your way — like clowns and mimes, who work alone and have no power at all.

To test this theory yourself, walk down the street wearing each of these outfits: a policeman’s uniform or something similar (a security guard’s or

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