How do you purge? A guide to preparing costumes.

To purge, or not to purge? That is the question for cosplayers. Purging is an important part of costume design and a crucial skill for anyone who wants to take their cosplay to the next level.

Before breaking down our easy-to-follow guide to preparing your costumes, let’s discuss why purging is so important.

Cosplay is more than creating cool costumes – it’s about bringing fictional characters to life. Each character has a distinctive look that separates them from any other character, and purging is what makes these looks possible.

When done right, purging can help you create unique designs that are sure to impress everyone at the next convention. However, it can be difficult to master on your own, and even experienced cosplayers often make mistakes when purging costumes.

We’ll show you how to avoid common mistakes by giving you our step-by-step guide to preparing your costumes with proper purging techniques.

When you receive your costume, it’s important to purge the lines and remove any previous images. If there are images of other actors on your costume, you will start to embody them. This is called “inheritance.” We want to purge any inheritance and make the costume a blank slate for your energy.

To start, we will need the following items:

Clear fluids (water, vodka).

Dark fluids (soy sauce, blackberry juice).

A clean surface of white fabric.

We will also need a fireproof container, such as a cauldron or metal bowl. Ideally, this will be made of iron or steel; aluminum and copper may impart unwanted energies.

Step 1: Prepare the surface

It’s important to have a clean surface on which you can work. We recommend using white fabric. Many practitioners use an altar cloth or white cotton sheet. The most important thing is that it’s pure white–no discolorations or dyes; this may alter the purity of the purge. Fold the fabric into a square big enough for your costume to lay flat inside it. Place it in front of you with the edges parallel to your body. Step 2: Purify yourself

Before we can purify the energy of our costume, we

Here is how to purge:

1. Find a costume that you want to purge.

2. Purge the costume.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you are done purging costumes.

Now that you’ve learned how to purge, go ahead and try it for yourself!

Procure a costume from the costume closet and identify it by filling out the tag attached to the garment.

1. Remove all costumes from hangers and hang them on the designated rack. Be sure all garments are identified with a tag from the costume closet. All garments must be labeled, even if you intend to purge them.

1. If the costume is a flesh-colored bodysuit, it is not necessary to purge.

2. If the actor is an experienced method actor, it is not necessary to purge.

3. If the actor likes the idea of purging, but only theoretically, it is not necessary to purge.

4. If the actor’s character does not purge before his big scene, there is no need for the actor to purge.

5. If the actor’s character purges because he feels like he has let himself down or his family through his selfishness and self-importance or his inability to be a good husband or father or son or brother or friend or human being, and if he feels that only through purging can he cleanse his soul and be free from this burden of guilt and shame, then do not purge.

6. Unless you really feel like purging. Then go for it!

1. Prepare a large tub of hot water and add the appropriate amount of detergent according to the brand.

2. Prepare a second tub with clean water, but no detergent

3. Fill the first tub with hot water, stirring until all of the soap has dissolves.

4. Place the costume in the tub and stir it around until it is fully saturated with water and soap.

5. Allow all of the costumes to fully saturate in hot soapy water for 5 minutes or more before agitating them again.

6. Rinse each costume in clean cold water until all traces of soap have been removed

7. Hang dry or place in washer on low spin cycle for 10 minutes, do not use heat to dry costumes as this can cause dye bleed, shrinkage and fabric degradation.”






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