I’ve been sewing for 16 years and never made my own pattern. However, I decided to take the plunge and make a Jack in the Beanstalk costume for my daughter. There’s not a lot of information out there on how to make this costume, so I thought I’d blog about it.
The first thing I did was get a picture of Jack in the Beanstalk from Google images (pictured). That will be your “pattern” for making all of the pieces.
I made a muslin mock-up first, but you could use old bed sheets or even newspaper if you want to save yourself some time. Make sure that you pin everything together as you’re making it up, including where the back is sewn together with the front (see picture). This will help when you go to sew it together with your real material.
The pants are really easy and can be made by taking an existing pair of pants and using them as your pattern. The shirt isn’t too bad either – just cut out a rectangle and fold it in half lengthwise with right sides together. Sew up one side, then around the neckline, leaving one side open so that you can turn it rightside out again. Then sew up the bottom hem and attach your
I couldn’t find any Jack in the Beanstalk costumes online so I decided to make my own. I started out by making a grid of the fabric I wanted to use and then drawing in the shapes of the costume. I took these into Illustrator and cleaned them up so that they could be cut out of felt.
I used wool felt for the majority of the costume with some special pieces being made from cotton velvet. The white gloves were store bought as was the wig.
The costume is held on by a series of buttons and loops, with velcro at the back!
Jack in the Beanstalk Costume: Amazon.com: Jack and the Beanstalk (9781499880075): Children’s Book, Fairy Tale, … FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon or get Fast, Free …
Jack in the beanstalk is one of my favorite fairy tales. I think this costume is one of my best so far. It took me about 1.5 weeks to make it out of mostly stuff …
Jack In The Beanstalk Costume | eBay – Find great deals on eBay for Jack In The Beanstalk Costume in Boys Theater and Reenactment Costumes. Shop with confidence. Jack and the Beanstalk – Wikipedia – Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale. It appeared as “The Story of Jack Spriggins …. The giant’s wife tries to trick Jack into climbing the beanstalk without his bag of gold coins by asking him to climb up for some “curds and whey”.
I have been making a Jack in the beanstalk costume for my son. It has been a long process and I am still not done but thought I would share what I have done so far and will update as I go along.
I started by making a mock up of the trunk. I used a few pieces of cardboard that had been sitting in my garage for quite some time. It was just a matter of getting the shape right and gluing them together with wood glue.
Once it looked like what I wanted, I covered it with brown paper bags and then put paper machier over them. It took several layers to make it sturdy enough that it would hold the weight of the “beans”.
So when I was asked to be Jack in the Beanstalk at the school where I work, complete with baby doll (Harold and the Purple Crayon) and giant beanstalk, all I could think of was that this was going to be a lot of work. My husband thought it would be so easy to just buy one, but that wasn’t possible because my son is 6’5” and there are no costumes for adults over 6 feet tall.
So I decided to look on Pinterest for ideas, which got me started. I searched for Jack in the Beanstalk costumes and came up with a whole board full of ideas, including some good tutorials. One had a really good idea for making the stalk from paper towel rolls, so I decided to use that as a base. The rest you can see from the pictures below.
I made my first Jack In The Beanstalk costume for my daughter when she was 2 years old. She wanted to be a giant, so I made her a costume that looked like she had walked through the pages of a storybook. This is how I did it.
You will need:
4 yards of 1/2″ foamboard (the foam center with paper on both sides) from a craft store, preferably green.
1 yard of red fabric for the hat, 1 yard of green for the pants, 1 yard of brown for the shirt (brown and white are optional).
A long-sleeved white shirt (a thrift store find, if possible).
Red felt or other fabric for the hat and belt.
White yarn or string to hang the beanbag.
Glue gun, hot glue sticks, scissors, sewing machine and thread in matching colors.
1 pair of shoes, boots or slippers.
I’ve done a lot of research on the best way to make this costume, and I’ve decided that foam is the best material. It’s easy to work with and lightweight.
It’s best to start with a regular dress and alter it, rather than starting from scratch. I used a basic black dress that my friend gave me. I also used some red stretchy fabric and some black fabric.
I used some foam sheets that came in 1/4 inch thickness. They are double sided with adhesive on one side. The sheets come 24″ wide by 72″ long, so you will have to figure out what size you want your armor pieces to be and cut the pieces from the sheet, leaving yourself 1/4 inch excess.