How To Survive The Apocalypse! Are you prepared?

In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive. As natural disasters, man made disasters and the threat of the zombie apocalypse grow, we must be prepared!

We believe that surviving the apocalypse should be a way of life. You never know when an asteroid might strike or when you might need to kill a zombie with a pickaxe! We hope our customers come to us for survival tips and advice, but also for useful and stylish products.

The apocalypse is coming, and the end of civilization as we know it is at hand! Are you prepared?

Obviously, you can’t be fully prepared for something that hasn’t happened yet. But this article will help. It will equip you with the skills you need to survive in a post-apocalyptic world, even if the apocalypse doesn’t happen. These survival skills are also useful in normal times: they can help you make money, start a new career, or impress friends and lovers by your ability to build a fire or kill a chicken or improvise an axe from a stick.

The first thing to realize about surviving the apocalypse is that there’s no single way to do it. The term “post-apocalyptic” covers everything from Mad Max to Life After People, so we’re talking about a very wide range of possibilities. But there are some general principles that apply to surviving any kind of post-apocalypse.

The Post-Apocalyptic Outfitters (PAO) is a dedicated provider of high quality gear for the post-apocalypse.

You never know when a nuclear holocaust, zombie virus, or world war is going to strike. Be prepared with a PAO survival kit! We offer a full range of products for any and all survival scenarios:

Nuclear War Survival Kit – The basics for surviving any blast radius; The Zombie Outbreak Survival Kit – Necessities for fending off those undead monsters; World War III Survival Kit – Military grade gear for the most intense combat situations.

We’ve got everything you need in one convenient place. Don’t wait until disaster strikes! Be prepared today!

Make sure you have the right gear!

How to Prepare for the Apocalypse

1. Buy a high-quality flashlight and a few extra batteries.

2. Get a good fire starter or two, and keep them handy.

3. Have a supply of fresh water and canned food on hand.

4. Make sure you have warm clothes and blankets available.

5. Be sure to have a first aid kit in case of any injuries.

They are, but if you’re being chased by zombies you don’t want to be tripping over your own feet.

Boots should lace up high for extra ankle support and protection from snakebites. A big knife is an excellent idea in a zombie attack, though a machete is even better. If a machete isn’t available, use the biggest knife you can find. (A few minutes with a file will make it sharper than any factory edge.) A bowie knife is ideal because of its heft and balance; but any big knife will do. You can probably find one at K-Mart or Wal-Mart or whatever they call it where you live.

The main thing is that there be no exposed skin. In the event of a zombie attack, you will want to prevent as much blood loss as possible; also, zombies like to bite people in the face and hands, so covering these areas will help protect you. Remember: even if the zombie bites through your clothing, the clothing itself will remain intact and continue to serve its purpose of protecting your skin from further bites and keeping you warm at night.

Do not wear expensive designer clothes, because these will attract zombies who like to eat rich people and take their stuff; also,

If we get through the next few decades without an apocalypse, it will have nothing to do with the fact that we were prepared for one. The kind of preparation that would make a difference is just not possible.

In this case, “apocalypse” means a large-scale disaster, like an asteroid impact or a nuclear war or global warming. Preppers prepare for such events by buying canned goods and guns or building bunkers or joining communes in Idaho. But the kind of event they fear would render those preparations useless. You can’t shoot an asteroid with a rifle, and you can’t eat canned goods after a nuclear war.

But there are simpler reasons why prepping doesn’t work. Most obviously, if you accept that things could go badly wrong, it makes sense to be more cautious about intervening in other countries’ affairs than our current leaders are.*

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