It is often said that we live in a time of dragons. And for many of us, it is a daunting task to remain self-reliant, industrious, and strong.
But how do we do it?
We must be dragons.
In this blog, I will be sharing with you my thoughts on how to stay strong, even in the face of adversity and hardship. I will also share my experiences about what has helped me become an independent and capable individual.
Now, let us embrace the dragon within us all.
In a world of dragons, we need to be dragons. If there are dragons out there looking to eat you and your loved ones, then you need to be that dragon, minus the hunger for human flesh. Be self-reliant. Be industrious. Be strong.
Dragon-hunting is an ancient profession, but it’s never been more important than it is today. Whether you’re looking to take down a fire-breathing dragon or simply protect your village from one, this blog will teach you everything you need to know about slaying dragons and taking their gold.
“The dragon costume is a reminder. It’s a reminder of the need to be self-reliant, industrious, strong; everything a dragon is and we should be.”
A lot of people think that they understand the meaning behind the dragon costume. They see it as one more step in our battle against dragons and they are right, but they’re not looking deep enough. The dragon costume is a reminder. It’s a reminder of the need to be self-reliant, industrious, strong; everything a dragon is and we should be.
“It’s important that we remain reliant throughout life.”
It’s important that we remain reliant throughout life. To do this we must continue to build ourselves up, both mentally and physically. If you don’t know what you’re worth then that’s too bad because no one else will tell you either. You have to go out there and find out for yourself.
In a time of dragons, we need to be dragons.
In a time of wolves, we need to be wolves.
In a time of bears, we need to be bears.
When the world is filled with monsters and demons, when fear, uncertainty and doubt are everywhere you turn, it is time for us to rise up and meet the challenge. We must not let our fears rule us or paralyze us or prevent us from doing what is right. We must fight back with all our might and bring the battle to the enemy. We must forge ahead as strong and self-reliant as ever and refuse to stand down in the face of adversity.
You are never too young or too old to be a dragon. You have to learn to fly, but start practicing now. You have to be self-reliant and industrious. You have to be strong and disciplined. You have to set a good example for others. And if you do, you will make the people around you better, and the world around you better, and maybe even the universe a little bit better than it otherwise would be.
You’re never too young or too old to start being a dragon.
“Be a dragon” is my motto, and I strive every day to live up to it.
Dragon Costumes
When the economy is great, employers can afford to be picky and people are motivated to take risks. In a bad economy, employers want to hire anyone who is qualified and people are desperate for jobs. This makes it the perfect time to start a business!
Now is the best time to start a company because:
* People are looking for jobs. You can find great employees.
* You can get great deals on office space.
* In a weak economy, investors are more likely to invest in your idea rather than starting their own company.