Nun Mad or Bad? Best Sources for a Nun Costume: Do nun costumes make you go wild? How do you feel about them? This will be project blog rather than a review one, so professional and educational tone would be ideal.
In my case the idea for making this costume came to me when I was in the middle of nowhere, reading a book. The book was called “Kiss me, Judas” by Will Christopher Baer. It is an amazing novel about an ex-con, who is a drug addict (and possibly schizophreniac) who becomes a monk and later on starts working as an investigator for a Catholic Church. For some reason he was wearing a nun’s habit all throughout the book (don’t ask me why). I was picturing him in my head until all of the sudden I thought it would be fun to make that costume.
Of course it takes more than just reading a book to create something like this. It requires some additional joys and sacrifices as well:
Nun Mad or Bad?
Best Sources for a Nun Costume: Do nun costumes make you go wild? How do you feel about them? This will be project blog rather than a review one, so professional and educational tone would be ideal.
We are in the process of making a blog about nuns, and we want to discuss the best places on the web to find nun costumes. We have run into some unique and interesting opinions from various people who have commented in response to our posts. How do you feel about nuns and nun costumes? Come and join the discussion on our blog!
Famous Nuns
Marie-Therese Couderc was born in 1787 and was the daughter of a merchant. She entered the monastery at age twenty-three. Her heart was always with the poor, and she often served as a nurse during epidemics. It is said that she had the gift of healing, since many patients recovered under her care.
She was named superior of the monastery in 1818. During this time, she initiated many reforms including: opening up a school for girls, creating an institution for handicapped children, distributing food to the needy, visiting penitentiaries and hospitals, opening a soup kitchen for three hundred families during hard economic times, etc
I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for an excuse to dress up as a nun. I love the idea of being a nun. I love the idea of being a nun so much that I’m currently in the middle of writing a novel, The Wicked Nun, about an all-women’s college where everyone dresses up as nuns!
But what if you want to dress up as a nun without having to write a novel? What if you just want to wear a costume? Where do you start?
There are some great options out there. Here are my top five suggestions for sourcing your very own nun costume.
Nun Costumes are among the most popular Halloween costumes of all times. They are easily recognizable and easy to make. If you want to try nun costume, you should know that there are different types of nun costumes. The main type is the traditional Catholic nun outfit which consists of a full length black dress with a white collar and sometimes even a cross or rosary beads.
The interesting thing about this outfit is that it can be used in many different ways. You can go for a very simple look by just wearing a long black dress with a white collar and leave it at that, but if you want something more elaborate, there are plenty of accessories you can add to your nun costume:
A veil – A veil is probably the most important accessory for your nun costume. Veils come in many different styles and colors and they will add an extra dimension to your look. There are veils that cover the head completely and there are also shorter ones that just cover the face. The shorter ones are usually more comfortable to wear because they leave some space for your hair and make-up, but if you want to look as authentic as possible then I recommend going for one that covers your whole head (and possibly face too).
If you’re not sure which type of
Nuns are mysterious, wise, and holy. Despite the fact that we don’t see them as much these days, they are still a large part of our culture. They even make up a part of Halloween costumes!
I love Halloween and I love to plan ahead. This year I am going to be a nun–a naughty one. I can’t wait to get started on my costume and I am so excited to wear it!
How to Make Your Own Nun Costume
Nun costumes are pretty easy to put together on your own. You really just need a black dress or robe, some type of headgear (like the veil the nuns wear), and maybe some prayer beads or something like that. If you have any of those things in your closet already, then you’re set! If not, you can always pick up something at Goodwill for cheap.
But if you want to buy a pre-made costume, here is where you can find one.
I think about nuns a lot. I have a complicated relationship with them. On the one hand, I’m very fond of them. They taught me how to read and write and do math and all that, so whatever is good about me is due to them. On the other hand, I’m not sure they did as much good as they could have.
I take it as an article of faith that if you give any smart person a lot of power over children, they will tend to use it badly. And nuns are nothing if not powerful over children.
The real question, then, is: were the nuns mad or bad? Were they using their power badly because they were crazy and hedonistic, or because they were trying to do something else? If you asked them why they were doing what they did, I’m pretty sure they would say it was for our own good. They might be lying; but if so, I doubt it’s because they wanted to enjoy themselves at our expense.
Which is worse: to deliberately inflict suffering on innocents for your own pleasure, or for their own good?
It’s no contest. One problem with “for your own good” is that people don’t usually know what’s good for you. So when