The Truth Behind the Freddy Krueger Costume

Hi, my name is Freddy Krueger. I’ve been in the news a lot lately, with the new 2010 remake of Nightmare on Elm Street, so I thought I’d come here and post about it.

I should start off by saying I’m not really a fan of remakes. They’re more often than not terrible, and as much as I hate to say it, the original Nightmare on Elm Street is better than this new one. That being said, I have to admit there was one area where the new movie excelled: my costume.

If you’ve seen the original Freddy movie then you know that my costume is simple: a red/green sweater and a fedora hat. For the remake they changed it up a bit. The fedora is still there, but instead of the sweater they gave me a black leather jacket with red stripes up the arms (see picture below). It’s a great look for me!

Why couldn’t we do that in 1984? It’s not like we didn’t have leather jackets in 1984; we did! And apparently we had them with red stripes because that’s what Michael Jackson was wearing all over Thriller that year!

Another thing: why couldn’t I wear black pants? In 1984 we had black

Hi everyone! I am really excited to be blogging about my favorite childhood icon, Freddy Krueger.

As a child, I remember thinking that he was the scariest thing in the world! But now, as an adult, it’s so easy to see that the whole Freddy Krueger costume was just silly. All you had to do was look past the glove and see the man underneath.

I want to share with you some of the things I’ve learned about what made Freddy so scary – and how you can use those same techniques to make your own frightening Halloween costume!

The first thing I learned was that there was so much more to Freddy than just his glove. He also had a hat! A fedora, to be exact. It was a grey-brown color, which made him seem even more menacing. And then there were those eyes… they were deep set into his skull and burned with an inner fire that seemed like it could never be extinguished.

The second thing is his voice – deep, gravely, and filled with rage at anyone who dared challenge him.

No one knows the real story behind Freddy Krueger. We all have seen the movies, read the books and even watched a few television shows that are based on this iconic movie monster. But, who really was Freddy Krueger?

The name Freddy Krueger comes from a horror film called “The Nightmare on Elm Street.” The movie was directed by Wes Craven and it starred Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger, the main character.

In the movie, Freddy is portrayed as an evil spirit that takes over people’s minds when they are sleeping. He can create illusions and he can also control their actions through telepathy. He has been able to kill many people in his time but he has never been caught.

Freddy Krueger had a lot of power over people because of his ability to control them with his powers. But he wasn’t always like this; he used to be a normal person before he became what we know him as today.

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