If you are in a movie, there are some clues to help you tell if you are in a costume movie.
1. If you have been transported back in time, you are in a costume movie.
2. If you have been transported to another country and everyone is speaking foreign, you are in a costume movie.
3. If there are white people with dreadlocks, you are in a costume movie.
4. If the earth is being threatened by alien invasion and you must travel through time to retrieve the only weapon that will stop them, you are in a costume movie.
5. If the earth is being threatened by an asteroid that must be destroyed by drilling into it, but it turns out the asteroid is hollow containing an alien ship that then lands on earth and starts killing people one by one until only two people remain and they make their way back to the mothership where they destroy it from inside, you are in a costume movie.
If you are in a movie and you look around, and you see all your friends dressed in clothes from the past (or future), or they are wearing silly hats, or they are acting like they are out of a Dickens novel, then there is a good chance that you are in a costume movie.
There are a few exceptions to this rule. For instance, if you are in a western, then everyone is wearing cowboy clothes. This does not mean that you have somehow been transported back to the wild west. It just means that you are on the set of a Western. Same with science fiction movies. If everyone is wearing silver jumpsuits, this does not mean that you have been transported to the future. It just means that they ran out of money before they could get the costumes done.
If, however, you and your friends find yourselves attending balls at fancy houses, or spending time in court listening to lawyers argue about your inheritance, then it is safe to say that you have somehow found yourself trapped inside of a costume drama. If so, try to act like Jeremy Irons
1. You are wearing a lot of makeup or you have scars or tattoos that can not be removed.
2. You have a name like Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, or any other name that could possibly be confused with someone famous.
3. You are carrying around a weapon that is not a gun, which includes but is not limited to: swords, knives, arrows, crossbows, throwing stars, ninja stars, bombs, grenades, baseball bats and/or any type of stick.
4. You find yourself in a situation where you are the only person around who looks out of place because everyone else is dressed exactly the same as you are.
5. Your character’s name either begins with “Captain” or “Sir”.
6. You find yourself in a room full of people who look exactly like you and all begin talking as if they have known you for years without ever having met you before.
7. Your character is from another country (this also applies if your character has an accent).
8. There is more than one person in the movie with the same exact name as yours (i.e., Johnny Depp).
9. People in the movie keep telling you how good looking or handsome you are even though
1. You are in an English castle, but you can tell it was actually shot in a studio by the way all the windows are evenly spaced.
2. In a scene with more than one person, there is always a character who wears more makeup than everyone else.
3. No matter how small your costume department, someone will insist that you have a dress made of purple velvet with four flounces and gold braid.
4. You are frequently asked to act opposite two people who aren’t really there – they were added later in post-production.
5. If you’re male, you have no idea how to tie a cravat, and if you’re female you can’t figure out how to wear your wig properly.
Are you in a movie? Are you sure you are not in a movie? Take this quiz to find out:
1. Do you have a friend who works as a costumer on movies?
2. Has that friend ever offered to make you a free costume for your birthday?
3. Did he end up making you the costume for your birthday?
4. Did it look really professional?
5. Did it come with fake weapons that looked really professional and well-made but were harmless and would not hurt anyone, no matter how hard they were swung at someone’s face?
6. Were there many costumes in the trunk of his car for some reason, as if he had been using them recently?
7. Were most of the costumes in the trunk superhero costumes, or other kinds of costumes very similar to superhero costumes?
8. Was there a camera crew filming nearby when you put on the costume and got into his car?
9. When he started driving away did someone run after the car, shouting “Wait! Wait!” and trying to get the driver to stop by banging their hand on the back window and screaming that they had changed their mind, they wanted to be part of this project after all?
10. When you stopped
1. If you suspect your wife is cheating on you, go to the costume store.
2. The costumes are the best part of the movie.
3. The costumes are simple and elegant and yet timeless.
4. The costumes are fun to wear and make you feel good!
5. The costumes are so beautiful that they make it easy to forget that they were worn by real people (and dogs) in a real movie (and not just a cartoon).
6. The costumes are so beautiful that they make it easy to forget that they were worn by real people (and dogs) in a real movie (and not just a cartoon).
1. You are a protagonist