Why Elves and Reindeer Aren’t the Only Helpers at the North Pole

The elves and reindeer get all the glory, but they certainly aren’t the only helpers at the North Pole.

Mrs. Claus is the top helper of all. She keeps close tabs on her husband’s naughty and nice list and is always there to support Santa when he needs a little extra help or cheering up. She also has a great sense of style and can be seen in red velvet dresses with white trim, or for more casual occasions, she wears a red coat with black trim over a white dress.

Mrs. Claus is also responsible for keeping Santa fed and healthy during his big night. He enjoys milk and cookies after every house, but he also likes to eat other Christmas favorites like pumpkin pie, gingerbread cookies, figgy pudding, and green bean casserole (green is his favorite color). He also has to be careful about what he eats because you can’t have a big belly if you want to fit down chimneys!

While Mrs. Claus helps out around the workshop and keeps an eye on Santa while he’s out delivering presents, she hires extra help year-round to make gifts for deserving children all over the world. Many of her helpers are human or gnome-like creatures who work as seamstresses or carpenters depending

When you think of all the helpers at the North Pole, you probably think of two groups: Elves and Reindeer. But there are other workers too. The workshop is a small city, so there are all sorts of people that keep things running smoothly.

The first group is made up of the helpers that Santa calls his “special friends.” They include Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Mrs. Claus. These friends help Santa with his job in many different ways. For example, they help him make toys and they also help with the weather.

Who is Mrs. Claus? She helps Santa by making sure he gets to bed on time and eats healthy meals. She also organizes the elves who work in the toy sorting center. Santa needed her help to get ready for Christmas one year when he was sick! It’s a good thing she was there or Christmas would have been ruined!

Mrs. Claus Dress-Up!

Did you know that Mrs. Claus’ birthday is September 15th? Let’s make her a present! Draw Mrs. Claus and then write a story about what kind of presents she might like to receive from Santa on her birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus are not the only helpers at Santa’s workshop. Every year Mrs. Claus takes care of the elves, reindeer and toys, while Mr. Claus makes his list and checks it twice. But who takes care of Mrs. Claus?

The workshop is located at the North Pole and there are two main tasks to be accomplished: fix broken toys and make new toys from scratch. In order to get these jobs done, help is needed in all aspects, from getting the elves fed to making sure the reindeer are ready for their flight to delivering presents around the world all in one night!

One helper that is especially important is Mary Christmas, who was hired by Mrs. Claus herself!

“I had heard about how hard this job was from my great-great-great grandmother,” said Mary Christmas in an interview with Martha Stewart Living. “She was a helper in Santa’s workshop back when he first started out and she told me stories about how busy he was making toys, delivering presents and being jolly.”

Santa often has help at his workshop. He has a few helpers that you already know about, but there are several more that you probably didn’t know existed!

Mrs. Claus is a very important helper. Mrs. Claus makes sure everything is ready for Christmas Eve. She also helps keep the North Pole tidy and organized. Elves love to eat her baking treats, and she is also in charge of making sure the reindeer get their share of food and water each day.

Just as Santa loves his reindeer, Mrs. Claus loves all of the pets at Santa’s workshop! She takes care of all sorts of animals at the North Pole: penguins, polar bears, seals, snow leopards, caribou, wolves and more! You can see her feeding her animal friends in this picture. You can see Santa’s reindeer in this picture too!

Not only do Mrs. Claus and Santa have elves to help them with the busy holiday season, but also reindeer and many other helpers at the North Pole. Mrs. Claus is a very kind person who helps Santa make all of his toys for the good little boys and girls. She also helps him with his deliveries and with his reindeer. Mrs. Claus is a very gentle person and she has a bit of an attitude when it comes to keeping the workshop clean, organized and running smoothly while Santa is away on his sleigh delivering presents all over the world!

There are many different helpers at the North Pole that help with all of the tasks that need to be done there. The elves were hired by Santa because he could not make all of the toys by himself. He hired one elf at first, but then he had to hire more as he became busier and busier each year. The elves are great workers who enjoy making toys for children all over the world. They love their jobs so much that they even work for free!

Mrs. Claus plays a big role in keeping everyone happy at the North Pole during Christmas time. She makes sure that everyone is well fed, well rested and that they have everything they need to keep them going throughout this very

At the North Pole, Mrs. Claus is more than just a good cook and a loving wife. She’s an executive at Santa’s workshop who gives the elves and reindeer their assignments.

“She knows every inch of the business,” said John Lasseter, who directed “Prep & Landing,” a new animated short that premieres on ABC on Dec. 8.

Mrs. Claus also oversees the making of toys, the writing of letters and the training of new elves. She even has her own group of helpers, the Cookie Scouts.

Santa and his elves are the foundation of Christmas, working tirelessly at the North Pole to create toys for all the good boys and girls. But don’t forget about Mrs. Claus. The wife of Santa is a devoted helper at Santa’s workshop who also helps with Santa’s Christmas Eve deliveries! If you want to capture the spirit of Santa’s better half, here are some tips on how to become Mrs. Claus this holiday season!

Mrs. Claus Costume Makeup Tips

Mrs Claus Makeup

If you want your Mrs. Claus costume to look authentic, a little makeup can go a long way. The first thing you will want to do is apply foundation that is two shades lighter than your skin tone. This will help make your face look like porcelain, which makes for a very classic Mrs. Claus look. Next, dust a little powder on top of the foundation (again two shades lighter than your skin tone) to set it in place and give yourself a matte finish. This should help prevent any shine from coming through while you’re wearing the full Mrs. Claus costume!

To achieve an elf-like glow on your cheeks, apply blush to your cheekbones using an upward sweeping motion, starting at the top of your ear and ending near your nose. You

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