10 Reasons You Need to Make Your Own Costumes for Halloween

Making your own Halloween costumes can be a lot of fun. And it’s cheap! You can make a costume out of items you already have around the house. You can use things you buy at the 99 cent store and yard sales. Or you can raid a thrift store and buy pieces that you’ll never wear again, but will work perfectly for a costume.

Here are ten reasons you need to get creative this year and make your own costumes:

Halloween is a great time to start making your own clothes

Halloween costumes are easy to make because they do not need to fit very well. If you’ve always wanted to try making your own clothes, you can do it on Halloween without having to worry about getting the fit just right.

You don’t have to sew if you don’t want to. Use hot glue on felt or other non-fraying fabrics; safety pins, hem tape, masking tape, and staples all work too. If it’s Halloween, anything goes!

Costumes are perfect for using up scraps of fabric and leftover notions from other projects.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love the feeling in the air as the fall season changes from warm to cool. I love that leaves start to change. I love that my kids get excited about costumes and candy. It’s a special time for our family, so when Halloween rolls around we make sure to have a little fun with it!

If you’re planning your Halloween costumes this year and are looking for some creative ideas, then you’ve come to the right place! Listed below are 10 reasons why you need to make your own costume this Halloween!

1. The Cost of Halloween Costumes

2. Creating Memories

3. The Unique Factor

4. Easy Sewing Projects

5. Picking out Patterns

6. No Costume is Out of Reach

7. Staying in Your Comfort Zone

8. Kids Will Love It!

9. You Can Be Unique Or Matchy-Matchy

10. Don’t Forget About Yourself

1. You will be excited to wear the costume.

2. You will know that no one else has the same costume.

3. You can make the costume with your kids and teach them about recycling and reusing materials.

4. You get to learn new skills, such as sewing or painting on fabric or paper macheing a prop.

5. You can use your imagination and create something different from anything in stores or catalogs.

6. You can make the costume as scary, sexy or funny as you want it to be.

7. You save money because you can piece together a costume from things you have around your home.

8. Your homemade costumes are recyclable, unlike store-bought costumes which are made cheaply and cannot be reused next year without looking worn out and tired before Halloween even arrives!

9. You get to express yourself through the costume you create, whether it be your favorite character from a movie or book, a statement you want to make about our society or political system, or just an outfit that makes you feel sexy and confident!

10 When you are done wearing your homemade costume for Halloween, you can use it again as part of a fun dress-up chest for your children’s play

1. It’s cheaper than buying a costume.

2. You can make it look however you want it to look, not just how the store wants it to look.

3. You can make it fit however you want it to fit, not just how the store wants it to fit.

4. It’s more fun than shopping for a costume at the store.

5. You can make a family theme from scratch, not just whatever happens to be on sale at the store this year.

6. It’s more creative and fulfilling than buying a costume at the store, and when you are done you will feel a sense of accomplishment that you made something yourself.

7. You can use your costume again and again (assuming you store it properly) and get more use out of the time and money you put into making it, instead of having to buy a new one every year like everyone else who buys their costumes at the store does.

8. Your imagination is probably better than what they have in stock at the party store or online, so why settle for less? If you put your mind to it I am sure you could come up with some pretty awesome ideas for costumes that would blow your friends away!


A few years ago, I made a costume for my son that was so cool, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to top it. It was an airplane. An actual cardboard box plane that he could sit in and fly around the neighborhood! There was even a door that opened and closed! The problem? It weighed more than he did. While we were having fun with it on Halloween, the reality of bringing it along to every single house left us exhausted by the end of the night.

When you make your own costumes, you can’t just buy a size big enough to get your child through the next few years. Not only will they fit better (and be safer), but they will be more comfortable and more fun to wear.

Halloween is one day per year (and maybe another day or two of wearing costumes to school). You can make a costume in a few hours – and even less time if you make something simple like these no-sew options for boys or girls – and have it last for years. When you buy a costume from the store, it may not last as long or even fit next year.

Who wants to be like everyone else? Make something from scratch, or at least customize what you find at the store

1. You’re a control freak. You want to make sure that your costume is perfect and you can’t trust anyone else to pull it off.

2. You like to sew. You’re good at it and you want an excuse to break out the sewing machine and get creative.

3. You want to save some money. Boutique costumes are expensive, but with a little creativity you can put together something just as cool at home for a fraction of the cost.

4. You want something unique: If you’re planning on hitting the town with a group of friends, then no one wants to show up in the same costume as someone else!

5. It’s a challenge: Part of the thrill is figuring out how to piece all the parts together and making it happen!

6. You’re crafty: If you like to glue, paint, tape, or otherwise construct things, making your own costume gives you the perfect opportunity for self-expression!

7. You have time: If it takes you three weeks to put together your costume, but only an hour or two to buy one from a store, then buying is probably your best bet!

8. Your kid wants something

1. Costumes are expensive. Did you know a costume for a child can cost anywhere from $20-$70? Did you know that’s almost the price of a new toy? If you stitch your own costumes, the cost can be significantly less.

2. Store-bought costumes are mass produced and use cheap materials. When you make your own, you get to choose the fabric, the embellishments, and everything else about it. The results are more original and high quality.

3. Halloween is an important holiday for children because it is a day all about dressing up and pretending to be someone else. When kids have creative input into their costume and help make their costume, they take more pride in it, feel more confident wearing it, and have a better time trick-or-treating or going to parties while wearing it.

4. Sewing is a great skill to learn at any age and one that will last a lifetime (plus I promise it’s not as difficult as people think!). Learning to sew can help kids develop fine motor skills, encourage creative thinking, and increase self-confidence in their abilities as they see their project come together with every stitch!

5. DIY costumes encourage creativity and ingenuity (and if your child has an

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