This is a blog about the costume preferences for 2018. It is not a blog about the costumes of 2017 or 2016 or 2015 or 2014. It is an annual blog, written as an accessible guide to what people wanted to wear in 2018. We start with the trends we see coming up in the previous year, and try to extrapolate what will happen in the year ahead. Our guesses are sometimes wrong, but they are never boring.
The costumes of 2017 were huge and varied. In 2017, you could be an astronaut, a pirate, a princess, or a clown. But the costumes of 2018 were more limited: they all looked pretty similar to one another. The vast majority had some kind of animal theme, and the animal was always a dog.
This was true right down to the accessories: everyone wore beaded collars with tiny tags that said “pup” or “best friend.” There was no way to mistake any of these costumes for anything else.
there are many variations of the paw patrol costume, but the most popular is a black “paw patrol” t-shirt with a white paw print on it and pants. The pants have a tail attached to the back of them so that they resemble the panda’s tail. The paw patrol is a dog with the ability to fly and solve crimes.
The paw patrol costume has been around since 2002 and was created by children’s television director, Chris Gifford and his wife, Wendy Motus. They created the character after their son, Sam was diagnosed with autism. The costume was intended to help children understand that even animals can have behaviors or interests that differ from others.
It’s a shame that kids don’t get more pleasure from their costumes. A lot of time and money goes into making them, but they’re often boring.
So it’s encouraging to see that, this year, kids are dressing up as characters they’re particularly fond of. The characters, or mascots, tend to be animals or cartoon characters: Batman, Spiderman, Star Wars, Paw Patrol, and so on.
I can’t imagine the parents who are encouraged by this choice of theme. Kids seem to wear them because their parents buy them the costumes and encourage them in a kind of social conformity. I can’t help thinking how sad it is that the only way they will do something creative with their time is by copying someone else’s idea from a movie or TV show.
What we think of as costumes have changed a lot over time. In ancient times, for example, costumes were often made for religious purposes. They were a way to show off the wearer’s piety, thus earning favor from the gods. The most elaborate and expensive costumes were reserved for sacred rituals.
In modern times, however, people don’t need to wear costumes to assert their piety. But costumes do remain popular for all sorts of reasons: maybe people like looking at them or talking about them or dressing up in them. Or maybe people like dressing up because it makes them feel powerful and special, or just because they are normal human beings who want to go out in public and have fun.
Costumes are not usually very expensive; they’re usually exactly what you need to dress up like a superhero, a schoolboy or fairy princess, an alien robot or a ghost. For one-time use only, they’re also surprisingly effective. But you shouldn’t expect to get anything more than that out of them.
In the interest of full disclosure, I will say that I have never seen Paw Patrol, but my 10-year-old niece did this one, and she loves it.
I am not a fan of the whole idea of middle school costume parties, but if your daughter asks you to let her go as Paw Patrol, you should be glad she asked. Here are twelve reasons why:
1. The costumes are easy to make for anyone with a sewing machine and some fabric scraps. They can also be made from stuff lying around the house.
2. This year, there was a group of boys dressed as Power Rangers from the show Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers . They were all in black suits with spandex pants and had wings on their backs. The girls’ costumes were more inventive-a dog that was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, an ostrich in a diaper, and a hedgehog in sunglasses-but even so they were about the same level of difficulty. (The Power Rangers costumes needed glitter paint.)
3. The costumes work for both boys and girls (or at least they did this year). If you dress up as trouble, it’s much better to go as Superman than Spiderman-the crowd will get more excited about seeing
A group of animal-loving designers have come up with this new type of dress, which is more than just a costume. The idea behind it, from their point of view, is that the costumes they wear help them to be less inhibited and to be more like their favorite animals. The creators are not suggesting that the dress will turn you into a tiger or a koala bear, but they do hope that it will give you the confidence to act in your own nature.
And what do the people wear? Well, they’re dressed in all kinds of ways, but two types stand out. One is what you might call the “animal” type: dresses modeled after snakes, leopards, squirrels, mice, hedgehogs and other creatures of the wild. The other is what we might call the “human” type: dresses modeled after lady-like humanoids like pixies and fairies.
What makes these costumes so popular? Well, for one thing there are lots of them in stores now, and it’s hard to avoid seeing them among the crowds in malls. And for another thing wearing them is fun. All of us are aware that we need more self-confidence and a little less inhibition. And if dressing up can help us do