One of my favorite rabbits in the world and I am not referring to the chocolate kind. This is going to be a blog about cosplaying as Jessica Rabbit.
I am a huge fan of her and have been for quite some time. I think that she is one of the most beautiful cartoon characters ever created. She is also one of the most recognizable, which is another reason why I want to cosplay as her.
There are many reasons why people choose to cosplay, but probably the main reason is because they are fans of the characters that they are dressing up as. For me, it’s usually not just because I like their character, but also because I admire their looks, personality and/or clothing style. It’s an honor to be able to portray them in real life and put my own spin on their character.
Jessica Rabbit is a great example of this as she is one of the most popular cartoon characters ever created! She’s known for being sexy, smart, funny ,strong and confident which makes her very appealing to many people including myself! You may have seen some famous cosplayers such as Stella Chuu or Jessica Nigri who have done amazing versions themselves!
My Jessica Rabbit costume is one of the most popular costumes I’ve ever worn. I’m sure it’s partly because Jessica Rabbit is such a classic and recognizable character, but I also think it has to do with the fact that the dress is so elaborate and eye-catching.
I put a ton of work into this costume, and when I saw that there was a Jessica Rabbit costume on sale (for $200! crazy!) at one of my favorite online stores, I knew I had to write a tutorial for you guys.
Now before we get started, let me tell you about my experience with cosplaying as Jessica Rabbit. It’s been interesting, to say the least. I made this costume for Halloween in 2011, and then again for WonderCon in 2012. You may have seen photos from those events floating around online? Every time I wear it out in public, people stop me to take photos. And when I say “people” I mean mostly men… the creepy kind who like to take pictures with girls in skimpy outfits and post them on their personal blogs or whatever. Which isn’t fun, but whatever… it comes with the territory of wearing such a revealing costume.
Have you ever wanted to dress up as a cartoon character? I know I have! This tutorial will show you how to cosplay Jessica Rabbit, the famous redheaded bombshell from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Here are the materials you’ll need to get started:
– Large piece of cardboard (big enough for your torso)
– A lot of newspaper or tissue paper
– Red fabric (enough for your entire body)
– White fabric (enough for your arms and legs)
– White gloves (for your hands)
– Scissors
– Hot glue gun with lots of glue sticks
The first step is to make a dress form out of the cardboard. You can find instructions online on how to do this. Make sure it fits your torso well and mark where you want the bottom of the dress to hit. Pin the red fabric around the dress form and use scissors to cut off any excess fabric. Once you’ve done that, stitch up any open seams with a sewing machine or by hand if you don’t have one. Unpin the finished red dress from the cardboard and try it on! You should be able to put it on like a jacket at this point.
It’s been a while since I’ve done a cosplay post, so here is something new!
At the beginning of the year, I got an email from a friend who was looking for someone to cosplay Jessica Rabbit with him as Roger Rabbit. I’d never seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit, so I watched it and immediately fell in love. Not only is Jessica a gorgeous cartoon but she is also one of the most sassy and self-assured females in cartoons! What’s not to like?
I’ll be honest–this costume was pretty hard to do. The wig was easy but the dress needed lots of planning and patterning (which I’m not very good at). The dress itself was made out of a cotton twill that had no stretch whatsoever. It took me 3 tries to get the fit right, as well as lots of time spent on the sewing machine. The gloves are cheap opera gloves from eBay, and I sewed on some pearls to match her earrings. My shoes were black pumps with fishnets underneath!
And more photos!
Jessica Rabbit Cosplay Costume: Dress: Made by me Wig: EBay Shoes: Payless Makeup: All mine Photo Credits: Bill Strong
I remember when Who Framed Roger Rabbit came out and seeing Jessica Rabbit for the first time. I thought she was amazing. She was beautiful, funny and a tough cookie who took no mess from anyone. I wanted to be her when I grew up.
I decided to cosplay her because she was one of my favorite characters growing up. I had been wanting to cosplay her for some time but was worried about how revealing it would be and if I would have the confidence to pull it off.
I knew that if I really wanted to do it, I’d have to go all out. After all, you only live once right? And this is cosplay after all so anything goes. So with that in mind, I put on my big girl pants and dove right into making my costume!
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? is one of the most iconic movies of its time and Jessica Rabbit is one of the best known redheads. She’s a beautiful idealized woman and she’s also a sassy cartoon! This is one costume I can’t wait to make for myself.
The first step in any costume is research. I watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (and then watched it again because it’s so good!) and got an idea of the different looks she wore. In terms of cosplay, this will definitely be more on the costuming side than prop making because Jessica’s accessories are pretty minimal. For me, as a cosplayer, this is nice because I’m not terribly confident with props yet and it means I won’t have to spend as much money on materials.
As far as sewing goes, Jessica Rabbit doesn’t look too complicated either. She has some unique features but nothing that requires too much work or expertise that I don’t already have. The dress itself looks like a pretty basic strapless sheath dress with no zipper or closure. There are two panels in the front that add interest and probably some additional structure to keep the dress from sliding down too much (after all, no one wants to be tugging at their top all night
Jessica Rabbit Costume Ideas
Jessica Rabbit is a character from the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. She was animated for the film with a technique called rotoscoping, where actors are filmed and then traced over frame by frame to create realistic movement. Jessica Rabbit was performed by actress Kathleen Turner and her singing voice was provided by Amy Irving. Jessica is known for her attractive red dress and sexy figure, as well as her catch phrase “I’m not bad, I’m just drawn that way.”
Jessica’s design was based on several different sources. Her hair color and style were modeled after Veronica Lake and her lips were inspired by Rita Hayworth. Her dress was designed after actress Lauren Bacall’s outfit in the movie To Have And Have Not.