Have Little Ones That Love Fairy Tales and Costumes? Try These Quick, Easy and Inexpensive DIY Fixes

If you have little ones that love fairy tales and costumes, you are probably looking for some relatively easy costume ideas to make. Try these quick and inexpensive DIY fixes.

Homemade Fairy Costume Ideas for Little Girls

There are a lot of different types of fairies in the world of storybooks and fantasy. We have gathered up some ideas and inspiration from around the internet that we hope will inspire you to create your own costumes with what you have on hand.

Fairy Wings

Fairy wings can be created out of just about anything. Here are a few ideas:

* Use tissue paper folded into wings or spread open to make a large wing shape. Glue or tape them to an elastic band or piece of ribbon worn across the back. If you don’t want to use glue, use double sided tape instead so they can be reused later.

* Make a pair of fabric wings using our [tutorial](http://www.makeandtakes.com/make-and-take-fairy-wings). You can even add glitter if you like! (Glitter not included in tutorial)

* Use our [paper plate fairy wings](http://www.makeandtakes.com/paper-plate-f

It’s that time of year again, when little ones want to dress up and be all the things they love. This week, I will be posting about DIY fixes for all of your favorite costumes.

Today it’s fairies! Have a little one who wants to be a fairy? Try these quick and easy fixes:

You can use pipe cleaners to make wings. See the photo below. Use pieces of tulle to make dresses. No need to buy anything expensive! You can also use tulle as decor for the wings and on headbands to make fairies look fancier. You can add glitter spray paint to anything and it will instantly look more magical! You can also use glitter spray paint on flowers or other objects that can be used as props in photos. For example, if there are flowers around your house, you can just put those in the little one’s hair, spray them with glitter paint, and — voila — instant fairy accessories!”

If you have little ones that love fairy tales and costumes, you know how expensive Halloween can be. On top of all the candy, you can spend a fortune on costumes for all your kids and yourself. Plus, the costume you buy from a store might not even look like what your child has in mind. So why not make your own costume?

I’ve put together a list of creative costume ideas for all ages. You don’t need to be an expert seamstress or designer to create these costumes either. The best part is that they’re inexpensive. In fact, you probably have most of the materials at home right now!



-Wings (dollar store)

-Tutu (dollar store)

-Wand (dollar store)

-Glitter paint (dollar store)

-Glittery Headband

Directions:Don’t have time to sew a costume? Why not turn what your child already owns into something magical! Use glitter paint on a white dress to make it look like it’s glowing with fairy dust. Then add wings, a wand, and tutu for extra fairy flair!

“Is it me, or are fairies getting a bit tired? I mean, they’re everywhere, like the elves and the gnomes had a baby and then became huge.”

I once heard that comment on a British TV show called Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Even though it was meant to be a funny line, it did make me wonder if I’d overdone the fairy thing with my three daughters.

Do they really like fairies so much? Is it just because I loved them as a kid? Is it because some of their favorite TV shows have fairies in them? Or is it because they’ve picked up on my enthusiasm for all things fairy?

I guess all of those reasons played a part in my girls’ fascination with fairies. Regardless of the reasons why my girls love fairies, there’s one thing for sure; they love dressing up in fairy costumes!

I’ve discovered that simple fairy costumes can be made from everyday items from around the house. If you have little ones who love to dress up in fairy costumes, try these quick and easy fixes.

Become a Fairy For Less Than $5.00!

I recently got involved in a discussion about the cost of costumes for little ones. One mom friend said she was appalled at a special store that carried Disney princess costumes. She said, “Why would anyone spend $50 on a costume for their child? It’s so wasteful.”

Another mom friend said she agreed with the first mom friend, but she had to buy these costumes for her daughter because they were really good quality, and more importantly, they were the only costumes her daughter would wear. She had tried making her own costumes but it never worked out. Her daughter preferred the store-bought ones.

I am always trying to save money and make my own things whenever possible, so I thought I might be able to help this second mom friend out. Here are some ideas for easy, inexpensive DIY fixes that will make you and your little one happy:

First of all, try not to be too hard on yourself! Making homemade costumes is an art form that takes time and practice (and sometimes a little patience) to get right. It can also be very frustrating when you’re starting out. But it’s worth it! You’ll save money and have fun with your child while doing it!

You’ll need: A t-shirt (or two if you

Is there anything more adorable than little ones in costume? They are so full of excitement, and ready to strut their stuff. Most of the time they look cute enough to eat!

Most parents love to see their kids dressed up, and I’m no exception. However, I do have a few problems with fairy costumes for little girls.

First off, the dresses are usually pretty sheer. Even with leggings on underneath it’s still hard to see the little girl through all that tulle.

Secondly, the wings are just pieces of cloth with a couple of elastic straps on them. They don’t really stand out much from the dress itself.

Thirdly, some of these costumes can be quite expensive!

So I did what any good DIY-er would do–I used my imagination and came up with some quick fixes that will make your kid’s fairy costume a hit (and probably won’t even break the bank).

Step 1: Go to your local dollar store and purchase the following items:

– A pair of child’s dress-up gloves (you can also get these at places like Walmart)

– A package of glittery pom-poms

– A package of multi-colored feathers (in the craft section)

– A glittered foam star wand with a wand topper (in the party favors section)

You can also find some cute fairy costumes at stores like Walmart. The one in the picture cost less than $15.00 and came with a costume, wings and wand. However, I thought it could be made just a little cuter so I added a few things.

Step 2: Get out your glue gun and glue the pom-poms around the hem of the skirt. I went ahead and glued them on the leggings too. You can put them anywhere you want or make stripes around the skirt if you’d prefer. You can also add them to an existing costume if you have one already!

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