How To Become A Viking Hero

How to Become a Viking Hero

A lot of people think that being a viking is all about being tough, drinking beer and wearing horned hats. This website aims to prove them right! In this blog we will talk about vikings, their history and how we can dress up as them.

The History of the Vikings

History lesson time! The vikings were a warlike people who lived in Scandinavia (modern day Norway, Sweden and Denmark) from AD 793-1066. They travelled across Europe in their longships and raided coastal towns for treasure and slaves. Their most famous leader was Ragnor Lothbrok who conquered England, France and Russia while his wife Aslaug wore the finest dresses.

Viking Costume

There are two main articles of clothing you need to become a viking: A helmet and a tunic. You can buy these online or at your local costume shop. Keep in mind you can also make your own costumes by following our handy tutorials below:

How to make a viking helmet

How to make a viking tunic

Thinking about making your own Viking costume? Well then you have found the right place. In this article, I will talk about the vikings and their history as well as what you should wear to become a Viking Hero.

The Vikings were a group of Scandinavian seafaring warriors who left their homelands from around 800 A.D. to the 11th century, and raided coastal towns in Europe, and even sailed as far as North America. During this time, large scale raids by the Vikings happened at least once or twice a decade and smaller raids were unnumbered. Their legacy and impact on European history is immense; modern day countries such as France, England and Russia can all trace their origins back to the Vikings.

Viking culture was rich in tradition, and they had a deep respect for their Gods and Goddesses, especially Odin and Thor! They loved drinking beer and feasting together after a battle.

Before you can start dressing up as a Viking Hero you need to find the right costume. Everyone is different, some prefer leather, others prefer chainmail and some prefer to wear cloth or a mixture of all three. What we will do is take a look at these options so that you can make an informed decision on what will suit your needs best.


Let’s start with the most affordable option: leather. Leather has come a long way since the days of the vikings and today we have many choices when it comes to selecting the right leather for the job.

Leather comes in different thicknesses, durability, colours and texture. The most common thicknesses used by reenactors is 2oz-3oz thickness. This is thin enough to not be too heavy while also having enough strength to be durable. Generally speaking, the thicker the leather, the more durable it is and also means it will be heavier and thicker to wear. So if you are on a budget or just want something very lightweight then 2oz-3oz would be perfect for you!

Another thing to note about leather is that it can be affected by weather conditions – extreme heat or cold can cause cracking over time which may not be very visually appealing. It can also

Viking Hero Costume

If you want to dress as a Viking hero this Halloween, you’ll need to put together a costume that includes some historically accurate elements. The Vikings were a group of Scandinavian traders, explorers, and warriors who lived during the Middle Ages. They are known for their use of a distinctive battle ax called a Dane axe. They were also known for their horned helmets. However, these helmets were only worn during certain times in Viking history and were probably not used in actual battles. Nonetheless, they are an iconic part of the Viking image.

If you are looking for a fun look for your next costume party, why not become a Viking hero? The Vikings were fearsome fighters and skilled sailors. They also had some great looks: flowing hair and beards, horned helmets and other accessories.

The first step to becoming a Viking is to get dressed in the style of the Vikings. Their clothing is made up of wool, linen, or silk. You can get these materials at your local fabric store.

The next step is to add some accessories to your outfit. You can accessorize with an axe or shield on each arm or a sword on one arm and an axe on the other. You can also wear a horned helmet with feathers sticking out of it or even a pair of wings on your back if you want to go as Odin or another god.

You may also want to consider adding some tattoos to complete your look. There are many different types that you can choose from including snakes, dragons, boars and more! The best part about this type of tattooing is that it’s permanent so make sure you’re ready before getting any ink done!

Viking Costume

The Vikings were an intimidating culture. They had a reputation for pillaging and raping, and if you were unlucky enough to be in the way of their longboats, you could lose everything. They had a reputation for being cruel and ruthless. As a result of this, they are still fascinating to us today. In truth, they were really no different than any other people at that time, but they were just better at making themselves known! The Vikings were very good at keeping records, so we know much more about them than we do any other cultures of their time. That is why they seem more interesting to us now.

If you’re looking for a costume idea that is both creative and fun, consider the Viking look! It can be pulled off by boys and girls alike. In fact, you can make your own Viking costume with items from around the house! Once you have it on, though, you might find yourself wanting to raid and pillage things…

If you want to live the full “Viking Life” then you need to know how to dress like a Viking. How much do you know about their clothes?

How Vikings dressed depended on their status. The wealthy had clothes made of linen and wool, but poorer people wore clothing made of animal hides. Most Viking men wore trousers and a shirt, with a cloak or a tunic over the top.

Women also wore dresses with a tunic over the top. The rich could afford to have clothes made from woollen cloth, while poorer people tended to wear linen clothing. Wool was the most common material used for making clothes because it was easy to produce in large quantities.

The Vikings also wore cloaks, which were fastened by a brooch at the shoulder (the largest type of brooch is known as an oval brooch). These brooches were often decorated with silver or gold so that they matched other jewellery worn by women such as necklaces and earrings.

Women typically wore long dresses that reached down past their ankles, although some Viking women did wear shorter skirts with leggings underneath them for warmth in winter months or when travelling on horseback along rough terrain where there might be thorns or branches snagging against bare legs.

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