As a super-strong supervillain, I’m often asked how I use my super strength to get away with things. I’ve gotten away with a lot in my time (robbing banks, stealing diamonds, etc.), but some of my best work has been in using my super strength to get away with crimes that never even happened. Here’s how it’s done:
1) Get a job at a jewelry store.
2) Wait for nightfall, when the store is empty and there are no witnesses. Then you’re free to destroy everything in sight. Break open the safes and display cases. Smash all the windows. Tear the door off its hinges. Pick up cars and throw them through windows. (For extra fun, put people in those cars first.)
I like to do this in costume so that if someone does see me, they’ll think it’s an actual robbery in progress and call the cops on themselves.
3) When you’re finished destroying things and scaring people, go home and wait for the police to arrive at your house later that night and arrest you for all the damage you did earlier.
4) Once you’re in jail, break out by bending the bars on your cell door or punching through the concrete wall
We’ve all been there: you want to lift a car off of your best friend, but you’re worried that people will think it’s weird. Look no further! Here are some tips on how to get away with using your super strength.
First, make sure no one is looking. If anyone sees you lift that car, they’ll know something is weird.
Second, don’t do it in broad daylight. People are more likely to see you if it’s light out. Night time is the best time to use your super strength.
Third, make sure people aren’t filming you or taking pictures of you lifting that car. If people have visual evidence of you lifting the car, then that becomes much harder to explain away.
And lastly—but most importantly—make sure you don’t accidentally leave fingerprints on the car that you lifted up! If people find your fingerprints on the car, then they are going to be very suspicious!
It’s not fair! I have super strength and there is nothing that I can do with it!
I mean, they let rich guys have nice cars and girls like them, but if I use my super strength to get the same things, then suddenly I’m a criminal.
People say that “with great power comes great responsibility.” But that is not true, because if we all had super powers, then no one would be responsible for anything.
For example, I could lift up a car and throw it at a bad guy. But if I did that, then everyone would know that someone with super strength did it. So then the police would be after me.
And how could I ever give intelligence tests to people? They’d see my super strength and think that they were being tricked and fail the test. And then they wouldn’t get the jobs that they deserved.
But if you are smart enough then you can get away with anything.
Supergirl is the most powerful girl in the world. She has super strength and can fly, but she doesn’t let that stop her from having a normal life as Kara Danvers. Sometimes, she gets herself into trouble and has to use her super strength to get out of it. Here are some of her top tips!
1. Use your strength to build up your confidence!
It’s hard to be confident when you’re a teenage girl, but you can use your super strength to gain confidence and make friends in unexpected ways. For example, one day Kara was studying with her friend Alex when they realized they didn’t have enough chairs for their study group. At first Kara was embarrassed because she thought this meant she wasn’t a good hostess, but then she used her super strength to rip open the floorboards and pull up some more chairs from the kitchen downstairs! Everyone was so impressed that they invited Kara to join their study group, which meant she finally got an invite to the cool kids’ party on Friday night!
2. Use your powers for good!
Supergirl may be known for her “super” strength, but we think she should also be known for using that strength to do good! She uses it all the time: like when she pushes
Superman is the most famous superhero in the world, but he’s far from the only one. There have been many other superheroes over the years, even some that also come from Krypton. But none are as interesting as Supergirl, who shares a lot in common with her cousin Superman.
Supergirl’s story starts the same way Superman’s does: After an invasion of Krypton, baby Kal-El is rocketed off to Earth by his father Jor-El, who hopes to save him from their doomed planet. But at some point during the journey, Kal-El’s ship gets knocked into a different part of space and time. His cousin Kara Zor-El is also sent away after Krypton explodes, but she ends up on Earth 24 years later than Kal-El did.
After crash-landing on Earth, Kara learns that her parents were killed by Darkseid and becomes friends with Superman. She also starts calling herself Linda Lee Danvers. She uses her powers to protect people and tries to keep them a secret by blending in with everyone else.
Later on, Supergirl meets a scientist named Zor-El who tells her she is his daughter and that she comes from another dimension called Argo City where all of its inhabitants