How to Make Your Own Buzz Lightyear Costume

Buzz Lightyear is a popular character from the hit Disney movie Toy Story. While there is a wide variety available of premade Buzz Lightyear costumes, many people choose to make their own as a cheaper, more unique alternative. Making your own Buzz Lightyear costume can be fun and easy!

This article will teach you how to make your own Buzz Lightyear Halloween costume. It is recommended that the costume only be worn for Halloween or other similar events. The costume should not be worn at school, in public, on an airplane, etc…

Buzz Lightyear is one of the most famous characters in Pixar’s Toy Story. The following tutorial will show you how to make your own Buzz Lightyear costume. This costume is a fun and simple project that can be done in a matter of hours using basic materials that can be found at your local hardware store.

The first step is to paint your shirt white. If your shirt isn’t already white, you’ll have to paint it white. You’ll probably want to use spray paint for this step because it’s the easiest way to get a solid color on the shirt with minimal effort. Once you’ve painted the shirt white, you can attach the front and back logos on the chest of your shirt. You can print out any logo from Toy Story or create your own design and then trace it onto some cardboard or foam board. Then simply glue the logos onto the front and back of your shirt with superglue or glue gun.

Next, you’ll need to cut out two large pieces of cardboard and two smaller strips of cardboard for the wings on Buzz’s back. The bigger pieces should be large enough to fit over your shoulders while remaining hidden under your shirt when worn. The smaller strips should be between six inches and a foot in length depending on how big you want the

For Halloween this year, I decided to make my own Buzz Lightyear costume, complete with lights and sounds. This was my second time making a costume from scratch. The first was when I was 8 years old and my mom helped me out quite a bit. Since then, I’ve been wanting to do it on my own again. So here’s the result of my hard work!

I’ve made a separate page on how I made the wings, which is probably the most difficult part of the costume.

The helmet and boots were purchased online at Buy Costumes; the rest of the body suit was homemade. The body suit is made out of stretchy white fabric, which is pretty much all there is to it. The white gloves were purchased at Target. For the wrist communicator, I used a small plastic box that my dad had lying around in his workshop. The wrist straps are just pieces of Velcro glued together (the soft Velcro side on one side and the hard Velcro side on the other).

The wings were made out of cardboard, cut in the shape of an “X”, with holes cut for arm movement. They’re attached with large elastic bands; one goes around each arm, and another goes around your back to hold them together better

This instructable will show you how to make your own Buzz Lightyear costume! It’s a great costume for Halloween, Cosplay, or any other costumed event. Enjoy!

You can also check out my website for other projects:

This is an Instructable I made last year, but have since updated with more images and details. Hope you like it!



A white long sleeved shirt. (I used a red one when I first made this costume and it didn’t really look right).

White pants.

White boots or shoes.

Silver puffy paint (the kind you squeeze out of a tube).*

Silver spray paint.**

Silver duct tape or other silver colored tape.**

Silver electrical tape.**

Red felt or construction paper.

A black visor like the one Buzz wears in the movie (I got mine at Toys R Us).*

A green alien toy from Pizza Planet (like the one in the claw machine in Toy Story).*

A set of wings for Buzz Lightyear made from cardboard, foam board, or posterboard.*(You can get them at Disneyworld or you can make your own).

Tools:* A sewing machine and/or needle and thread.* Scissors.* A hot glue gun.* A marker.

This is a guide to constructing a Buzz Lightyear costume. It is based on the Disney Toy Story character, and it is a great costume for Halloween or cosplay. It’s also useful if you happen to be doing a presentation in school, or just want to have fun.

The key features of Buzz Lightyear’s appearance are his green and white spacesuit, his black utility belt, and his purple helmet with the faceplate that lifts up. There are several ways to recreate this costume. One of them is by buying one of the official Disney costumes in an adult size, which currently costs about $50. That looks really good, but it’s not cheap. This article will show you how to make your own for about $10-15 in materials that can be found at any local craft store (or on Amazon).

Step One: Gather Materials

This is a very simple, easy to make costume. You need:

A white sweatshirt and sweatpants or jumpsuit

White face paint (or white mask)

Purple feather boa (available at craft stores)

Pipe cleaners

Black electrical tape

Silver spray paint (optional)

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