How To Plan A Back to the Future Part II Party The Complete Guide

My friends and I were going to have a Back to the Future Part II party where we all dress up like characters from the movie. This is a blog about how to pull off your own BTTF2 themed soiree.

I’ve taken some notes on what you’ll need to do, and I’ll be adding more as I think of it. I’m not saying that this is how you should plan your party, but it’s how I’m planning mine.

First, you need a date and time for your party. Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrive in the future on October 21, 2015 at 4:29pm. It makes sense for us to arrive there at the same time and date (according to our time zone).

It’s Sunday October 18th as I write this. That’s three days before the big day!

You’ll have to send out invitations ahead of time, so people can get their costumes together and plan for something else if they’re already busy. You could use regular mail or email or just invite them on Facebook. For mine, Marty McFly hands each character an invitation when he meets them in 1985, so they’ll get their invitations back in 1955 at some point before October 21st 2015.

Here are some ideas

Most of you probably remember the awesome party we threw for Back to the Future Day. And now that it’s almost 2016, it’s time to start planning for next year’s Back to the Future Part II party!

Here are some helpful tips on how to make sure your BTTF2 party is a success:

Food: When planning the food for your event, think about what kind of food Marty would find interesting in 2015. A great example would be dehydrated pizza, which Marty finds when he first travels to 2015 and tells “Little” Marty that it’s basically “pizza in a cup”. You can also serve products from one of my favorite brands, Jaws 19 Snacks. The company makes ‘shark fin’ flavored snacks and a product called ‘Pizza Huts’ (which look like hot dogs but taste like pizza).

Why not try trying some other new foods that are available in 2015? I’m sure you’ll find plenty of unusual things Food & Drink section of the future_2015 page!

Drinks: Don’t forget to have plenty of Pepsi Perfect available at your party! This drink is pretty easy to make too, just take some regular Pepsi Max and pour it into some bottles with labels that you can easily find online. You

You’ve been waiting for this day since June. The day that Marty McFly and Dr. Emmett Brown went Back to the Future Part II. What better way to celebrate than a party with all the right accessories?

Your friends will be expecting it: the jean jacket, the puffy vest, the “life preserver” (and yes, more on that later), and of course the futuristic shoes. To help you plan your ultimate BTTF2 party, we’ve compiled a list of everything you’ll need to celebrate this momentous occasion.

If you’re planning on throwing a Back to the Future party, don’t do it without reading this guide first. Here, I’m going to explain everything you’ve got to do to make sure your party is a success. There’s also some clues on how to increase your chances of getting laid later that night.

First, you’ve got to make sure everyone knows about the theme, or else they’ll show up dressed as regular people and ruin the whole thing. You can do this by sending out invitations by mail, or by passing them out in person. If you’re feeling particularly enterprising, you could send out save-the-date cards in the style of newspaper clippings from 1985, which will help you avoid any potential confusion on the part of your guests. (“Oh hey, we’re going back in time? Cool! Should I bring my DeLorean?”)

If you’re sending them out by e-mail, just make sure you send them early enough so that people have time to put together their outfits. BTTF2 is a really popular movie (I know what you’re thinking: “Really?”), so chances are most of your guests probably won’t have Marty McFly costumes lying around their closets. And if they do? Well

In October of 1985, the world was introduced to Back to the Future, Robert Zemeckis’ time-traveling masterpiece starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. The film was a huge hit, earning over $380 million worldwide and spawning an entire franchise that helped shape an entire generation.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of this iconic film, we’ve created a full guide to throwing your own Back to the Future Part II party. We’ll cover everything from the basics (who should you invite?) to the details (what music should play on your Marty McFly costume?).

This is going to be heavy.

Back in 1985, when Marty McFly traveled to 2015 in Back to the Future Part II, he saw a world in which sports teams were named after companies (the Dallas Steers? seriously?), hoverboards had finally been invented, self-lacing shoes were a thing (even if Jaws 19 was not), and people wore holographic fashions for casual occasions.

Now, as we approach the date that once seemed so futuristic, it’s time to plan your own Back to the Future reunion — or party. Here’s how:

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