Are you ready for the Apocalypse? A blog around surviving the apocalypse and gearing up for it.
Whether you are a survivalist, someone preparing for the zombie apocalypse or maybe just interested in living off-the-grid, we have got everything you need to be sure that you will survive when the world as we know it, comes to an end.
We sell a variety of products including backpacks, food rations, rainwater filters and dried meat packs. We also have a blog where we post updates on new products and useful tips around surviving.
The apocalypse is here. The only thing that’s going to save you from the fire and brimstone raining down on you from above is your costume. So what are you wearing?
There are two kinds of people in this world: those who have costumes suitable for surviving the apocalypse, and those who don’t. You see, when the time comes and society breaks down, civilization will be built back up by the survivors and their costumes.
That’s why we blog so frequently about survival gear, tools, and equipment. We want everyone to be ready for when it all goes down. But you can’t truly be ready until you have a proper apocalypse costume.
Are you ready for the Apocalypse? We are.
We are a team of survivalists and preppers who have been preparing for the Apocalypse. We know how to survive in any given situation: from zombies, to nuclear war, to meteor strikes. We’ve got everything you need to gear up and survive. Whether it’s from zombies, or from nuclear war, or even from a meteor strike – we’re here to help.
The Apocalypse is right around the corner. If you want to survive it, you need the right gear. We are here to help you find it.
Our mission is simple: we will make sure you have all the gear you need to live through the apocalypse in style. Whether it’s an EMP attack or a zombie invasion, we have exactly what you need.
The world has been ending since the beginning of time. People back then had to face floods, plagues and famine with little more than some pots and pans. But that was then; this is now. Thanks to modern technology and science, we can now be prepared for anything.
We look forward to seeing your gear list!
So many people are in denial about how rapidly the Apocalypse is approaching. The end of the world probably won’t involve zombies or nuclear war, but it will be very bad. You should prepare yourself mentally, financially and physically.
The blog “Apocalypse Costume” is here to help you get ready for the worst. It’s a place to find out how to shoot straight and make money at the same time. It’s also a place where you can share your tips for surviving the Apocalypse.
You do have an Apocalypse costume, don’t you?
At the end of the world, you need to be prepared.
Prepare your wardrobe with our apocalypse-proof costumes!
We sell costumes which are perfect for surviving the apocalypse and looking good while doing it. The costume is made of a special material (100% cotton) which is resistant to the elements and will protect you in case of fire and rain.
If you buy it today, we’ll ship it to you before the apocalypse!
Welcome to Apocalypse Costume!
This blog is about surviving the apocalypse in style. We will show you how to look your best for the end of the world, and tell you what to pack for the zombie invasion.
Our team of expert survivalists includes:
– [Hektor](/about) – author of The Zombie Survival Guide.
– [Phoebe](/about) – author of How To Survive A Zombie Attack.
– [Joyce](/about) – author of 3 Days In A Bunker: What To Bring And What To Do.