Tips and tricks to make your own dinosaur costume

A dinosaur costume is a fun and easy way to dress up for Halloween, parties, or any occasion. A dinosaur costume can be made easily with a few common materials and some creativity. You can design and make your own dinosaur costume in just a few hours, or even less if you have some of the materials on hand.

1 Make the basic body of the costume by covering the front and back of the shirt with newspaper and masking tape. Form the tail by taping paper around a strip of cardboard, then taping it to the back of the shirt. Cut newspaper pieces into shapes and tape them onto your body to create scales.

2 Make foam spikes by cutting foam into triangles, then gluing them together with hot glue. Glue the foam spikes to your arms, legs, and back to create spines.

3 Cut out eye shapes for goggles from black construction paper, then tape them over clear plastic cups that are big enough to fit over your eyes. This will allow you to see while wearing your costume and give you a better view than if you were wearing a large headpiece or mask.

4 Make claws by cutting small triangles from foam or cardboard and gluing them over your hands. Use a pair of scissors to cut

If you have a child who is fascinated by dinosaurs, you might be looking for different ways to encourage this interest. One of the most fun ways of doing this is to get them a dinosaur costume. These costumes are widely available, but it can also be a lot of fun for the whole family to make one. If you are handy with a needle and thread, you might want to think about creating your own dinosaur costume as an exciting way to get your child involved in the world of dinosaurs.

This is not as difficult as it may sound. There are many guides that can help you to create your own dinosaur costume and it will not take too long before you have one that looks very realistic indeed. The first thing that you need to do is simply to decide what kind of dinosaur costume that you want to create.

This means deciding on the species of dinosaur that you want to recreate and then thinking about how big it should be and how it should look in terms of colors.

The next stage is to buy all of the materials that you will need and then to start cutting out each piece before sewing them together. This can be a great deal of fun, especially if it is something that the whole family gets involved in. Before long, you will have a realistic looking

Making a dinosaur costume is simple. You’ll need:

* A cardboard box (large enough to fit your child inside, or at least on their knees)

* Paints or markers

* Glue

* Scissors or box cutter

* Tape

* String or yarn

To make the dinosaur costume:

1. Start by painting or coloring the cardboard box. If you have a small box, you can use half of it as the head and half as the body. If you have a big enough box, you can make a full body dinosaur. It’s up to you! Make sure to color both sides of the box, so that your dino looks good from all angles!

2. Use your scissors to cut out holes for your child’s arms, and holes for eyes in the head. You can also cut out a mouth if you’d like – this will allow more vision (and easier snacking while trick-or-treating). Be careful with sharp blades if you have little ones helping with this step. Note: For younger children, consider using safety scissors and pre-cutting the pieces before they start coloring (and supervise them closely when cutting). For older kids, this may be a

Dinosaur Costumes

A dinosaur costume is a great way to join in the fun of Halloween, but with a unique twist. Most people will buy their costumes, so by making your own, you can stand out from the crowd. It’s also a great way to get your family involved in the holiday spirit.


• Buckram fabric or stiff felt (enough to make your pattern)

• X-Acto knife/scissors

• Glue gun and glue sticks

• Fabric paint (optional)

• Paint brushes (for fabric paint)

• Sewing machine (if using fabric)

The first step in making your costume is to gather the materials. You will need:

* a sewing machine

* thread and pins

* scissors, fabric chalk or pencil (for tracing patterns)

* cardboard, newspaper, masking tape, paper, or plastic cups (for the head and tail)

* a glue gun (or fabric glue)

* craft foam or poster board (for the feet)

To start, make a pattern for the head, tail and feet of your costume. Start with an easy shape: trace around a bowl to make a circle pattern for the head of your dinosaur. Make sure you cut out two circles! For the tail, cut a long rectangle shape for the tail. For the feet, trace one of your child’s shoes. Cut out four feet shapes so you have two pairs of feet – one for each shoe!

If you want to make a dinosaur costume, the first step is to fabricate your head. You can buy a mask of a crocodile or alligator, which will serve for most dinosaurs, or use a dog mask for certain types of dinosaurs. Then use foam and paper mache to build up the shape of your dinosaur’s skull – that of a velociraptor or tyrannosaurus rex is much larger than that of a crocodile, for example. Use paint to finish it off and you should have a convincing dinosaur head.

Next, fabricate your tail. This is best done by stuffing an old pair of tights with foam and tying them in place so they hang down your back. Again, you may need some paper mache to shape the tail in an attractive fashion before painting it.

Now for the body! If you want to make a suit like mine, then you will need a child’s dinosaur onesie; these are available from many costume suppliers on the internet. However, if you want to make something more realistic or unusual, then go for it! I’ve seen very convincing Triceratops costumes made from cardboard boxes cut in half and painted appropriately.

Finally, attach your tail and head using string or elastic bands as appropriate

Let’s say you’re a kid. You want to be a dinosaur for Halloween. You could buy a costume, but it won’t look realistic. It’ll just be some guy in a dinosaur suit.

What you really want is to look like a real dinosaur.

I’m going to show you how to do that, with materials that cost less than $10 and weigh less than 10 pounds. You don’t need any special skills or tools, just basic sewing ability.

The first step is to design your costume. It has to cover your entire body, including your legs, so you can walk around in it. And it has to look like a real animal, not just a guy wearing a dinosaur suit. Here’s the design I came up with:

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