Pumpkin costumes are scary.
For years I’ve enjoyed the Halloween pumpkin costumes. But, if you’re like me, you don’t want to look like a “scary” pumpkin…you want to be cute and fun! We’ve searched the web for costumes that are perfect for every family.
Top 10 Mistakes When Buying a Pumpkin
You can buy a great pumpkin costume online now, or go to your local store and find something that fits. But don’t forget that pumpkins need to be treated special because they can get dried out when they’re not in use. Here are a few tips on how to buy and care for your pumpkin costume.
1) Pumpkins don’t last forever. If you buy one now, it will probably only be good for about a year or two more. So plan ahead and get a great costume early!
2) Don’t put it in the water! It’s much better for your pumpkin if you put it in an airtight plastic bag so it will stay fresh longer. You’ll have less trouble with mold and other problems.
3) Make sure the pumpkin is completely dry before you put it in the bag or box. If it is wet or damp, it will mold!
Pumpkins give us the opportunity to celebrate the fall season and perform some interesting carving techniques. By following a few simple guidelines you can ensure that your pumpkin is healthy and ready for carving. Here are the top 10 mistakes when buying a pumpkin, and how to avoid them.
Mistake 1: Not Checking for Soft Spots or Bruises
Look for soft spots or bruises on pumpkins as they will deteriorate quickly. This can be avoided by looking over all of the pumpkins before buying one.
Mistake 2: Not Considering Size
Pumpkins come in many shapes and sizes. You must consider whether you will be carving the pumpkin or using it for decoration. The smaller pumpkins are typically better for decorating, while larger pumpkins are good for carving and making pies.
Mistake 3: Ignoring Color
The color of a pumpkin can make all the difference in a display or a carved jack-o-lantern. White pumpkins can be used to create ghosts, while blue pumpkins can be used to accent Halloween themes. Make sure that you choose the right color for your purposes to make your display complete.
Mistake 4: Getting One Too Early
Pumpkins do not last forever, especially once they have been picked from
The top 10 mistakes when buying a pumpkin are:
1. Buying a pumpkin on October 31st.
2. Buying a pumpkin at a place that doesn’t sell carved pumpkins.
3. Buying a pumpkin from a gas station or convenience store unless you like bad pumpkins.
4. Buying a pumpkin that is bruised or has soft spots, which means it will mold before Halloween.
5. Buying a pumpkin that is not orange or yellow, because this means it is almost certainly not ripe and will last less than one week past Halloween.
6. Buying a pumpkin that is very small, because this means it will only last one to two weeks past Halloween and can’t be used for cooking anything since you’ll have to peel off more than you’ll use in the recipe.
7. Buying an orange pumpkin because they look better with black cats and witches around them, but they don’t taste as good as the yellow ones for cooking (although I haven’t tried them all).
8. Buying any kind of squash instead of a real pumpkin because they don’t taste good cooked and will only last about three weeks after Halloween; they also don’t hold up as well under carving knives since their skin isn’t thick
We are a family who loves pumpkins! We love to pick them, carve them, cook with them, and eat them. Below are ten things you need to know about buying and caring for your pumpkin.
1. Buying the right pumpkin: When selecting your pumpkin make sure that it is firm and heavy for its size. Also make sure there are no soft spots or bruises. This can lead to rot and mold so they should be avoided. Check the bottom of the pumpkin to make sure it’s not rotten. If you’re carving your pumpkin, pick one that is larger on one side than another so it will sit flat when placed on a table or porch step.
2. Storing your pumpkin: Store your pumpkin in a cool dry place before carving it so it will last longer. If you plan to carve it soon after buying it, store it in a place where the temperature ranges between 40°F-50°F (5°C-10°C). To improve longevity store at 50°F-55°F (10°C-13°C) with 90 percent humidity if possible.
3. Storing your carved pumpkin: Set carved pumpkins out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources like radiators or heaters to prevent
1. The pumpkin is too big for its intended purpose. This is the most common mistake people make when buying a pumpkin. If you are planning to carve your pumpkin, be sure that it can fit on your front steps or wherever you plan to display it. If you’re using it as a centerpiece for a party, pick a size that fits your table.
2. The pumpkin is too small for its intended purpose. For carving pumpkins, pick one at least 10 inches tall, otherwise there won’t be enough room for the face and the candle. For cooking purposes, the smallest pumpkins are best – about 4 pounds each.
3. The pumpkin has soft spots or bruises, which will lead to rotting very quickly. A good test of freshness is to thump the outside of the pumpkin and listen for a hollow sound.
4. You haven’t looked at enough pumpkins before picking one out! A good tip is to take off your glasses (if you wear them) while checking out the pumpkins in the patch; this will force you to get close and examine them carefully rather than just picking one from afar that looks “pretty good.”
5. You have picked up a pie pumpkin by mistake! Pie pumpkins are smaller with sweeter flesh
1. Buy your pumpkin too soon.
2. Buy your pumpkin too late.*
3. Not buy a pumpkin at all.*
4. Forget to buy a pumpkin carving kit.*
5. Buy the wrong size pumpkin.*
6. Only look for pumpkins on the ground, not on the vine.*
7. Forget to look for blemishes or soft spots in your pumpkin.*
8. Try to carry your pumpkin by yourself (especially if you are a child).*
9. Keep your carved pumpkin outside in the cold, wet weather.*
10: Leave your carved pumpkin outside overnight without a light inside.*
1. Buy the pumpkin too early or too late. Pumpkins are a seasonal item and are usually only available from the middle of September to the middle of November.
2. Choose the wrong size pumpkin. A good rule of thumb, is to allow about 1 pound per person in your household. Also, remember that smaller pumpkins are easier to carve than large ones.
3. Forget to pick up some tools for carving it. Beware: using knives and saws can be dangerous, so during this step, make sure you keep a close eye on kids so they don’t get hurt.
4. Buy the wrong variety of pumpkin for your desired activity. If you plan on painting or decorating the pumpkin, choose a smooth-skinned variety, such as Fairytale, Cotton Candy or Lumina. If you want to eat it, look for a cheese or sugar pie pumpkin (also known as Cinderella). If you prefer to carve it, buy any variety except Lumina (which is white) or Cotton Candy (pink).
5. Pick up a spoiled pumpkin by mistake. The best way to avoid this is by testing out the texture by pressing into it with your thumb or tapping it with your knuckles — if it sounds hollow or feels soft, put