10 Creative Ways To Dress Like A Mummy – Happy Halloween: A blog about different mummy costumes for kids and adults.
Mummy costumes are a fun and easy costume to make. In fact, some of these instructions will have you ready in a matter of minutes! Using basic materials from your home, we will show you 10 creative ways to dress like a mummy for Halloween. From funny and scary, to sexy and practical, we have something for everyone! So, let’s get started!
What is included:
-10 mummy costumes (with tutorial links)
-1 bonus mummy costume (with photo)
-List of craft supplies needed
Halloween is a celebration where people dress up in costumes. Mummy costumes are popular and it is easy to make a mummy costume. There are different kinds of mummy costumes that you can make for Halloween. You can make a mummy costume for kids or adults. This mummy costume blog will give you some great mummy costume ideas on how to dress up like a mummy for Halloween.
Your goal is to look like a real, wrapped up Egyptian mummy. So, think about how mummies were made back in ancient Egypt. Put together your own mummy costume this Halloween by following these tutorials:
How to Make Your Own Mummy Costume – A blog with tutorial on how to create a homemade mummy costume for children and adults for Halloween.
Mummy Costume Ideas – DIY Instructions on how to create a homemade mummy costume for children and adults.
Make Your Own Mummy Costume – Create the perfect homemade mummy costume with these instructions.
DIY Mummy Costumes – Instructions on how to create your own homemade mummy costume using simple materials and items found at home.
Mummy Costume How-To – Learn how to create your own DIY mummy costume using items found around the house or at the dollar store.
Easy Homemade Mummy Costume – Learn how to create your own homemade
You can make a mummy costume in many different ways. If you are making a mummy costume for your child, you may want to make the costume a little more fun and less scary.
If you are looking for a mummy Halloween costume, this page presents 10 different costume ideas. Some of the costumes I like better than others. However, it was fun to see how creative people can be when they set their mind to something!
I think my favorite mummy costume was the one using a cardboard box and coffee filters. This costume is great for kids. I also really liked the one using toilet paper and baby wipes! That is another great idea for children.
You can dress like a mummy in a matter of minutes with only a few household items. You don’t even have to buy any fabric or other materials, since you can make your costume out of old sheets and bandages!
If you want to dress up as the undead for Halloween — or for another occasion — try one of these creative ways to dress like a mummy. Whether you’re looking for something simple or something elaborate, there’s sure to be an idea here that will work for you.
1. Get Wrapped Up
The easiest way to dress up as a mummy is to wrap yourself in toilet paper. If your budget is really tight, you can use tissues instead, but they are more likely to tear. The trick is to use enough toilet paper so that it doesn’t come off easily, but not so much that it gets heavy. Try wrapping one layer around your waist and then twisting another layer around your arms and hands. You might have to experiment with different amounts before you get it right, but this is the fastest and easiest way to make a last-minute costume.
2. Staple Gun Mummy Costume
If you have access to a stapler, this easy costume allows you to walk around freely while still looking wrapped up in band
We have been seeing a lot of mummies lately in the form of children, but they are not all created equal. To be honest, most of the kids that we see in mummy costumes look like they just wrapped a bunch of toilet paper around themselves and called it good. But there is so much more that can be done with a mummy costume! Here are ten different ways to dress your child up as a mummy, ranging from the simple to the advanced.
1.The Simple Mummy
This is the standard look for a mummy costume: lots of white gauze wrapped around every part of the body, with some visible skin showing through. This mummy costume was made by simply wrapping white gauze around a t-shirt and sweatpants combo, with some torn pieces hanging out from underneath. It’s simple, but it gets the job done!
2.The Bandaged Mummy
Another idea for dressing up as a mummy is to use bandages instead of gauze. This mummy is dressed in bandaged pants and shirt, along with a mask made out of bandages. The bandages come in different sizes and textures – you could use thin strips of gauze or big chunks like this one – so you can mix it up depending on what you
1. The Traditional Mummy Costume
Wrap up in mummy bandages from head to toe. This is the classic mummy look. Use cheesecloth or old sheets for bandaging, and make sure to leave a few holes for the eyes.
2. The Walking Mummy
Take the classic mummy costume one step further and turn yourself into a walking mummy! Get an old pair of pants and a jacket and wrap it all up in rags. If you want, you can even stuff it with newspapers or bubble wrap to make it more realistic.
3. The Haunted Mummy
If you really want to scare people with your mummy costume, try making a haunted mummy costume! Leave some of the bandages loose so that they are flying behind you when you walk. Or, create a creepy mask out of sheep’s wool to make your face look decayed and haunted.
4. The Modern Mummy
A modern-day mummy doesn’t need to be wrapped in bandages! Try creating a mummy using t-shirts, jeans, or other clothing items that you don’t mind getting dirty. Use white clothing if possible so that it looks properly like a mummy’s wrappings as opposed to just dirty clothes.
1. Wrap them up.
Dressing your kid as a mummy is so easy and probably the most traditional costume for Halloween. All you need is some gauze, which you can pick up at any Halloween or party store, and tape! Start wrapping gauze around their bodies leaving an opening for their face and hands. Add more gauze to their arms and legs if desired. Secure with tape or safety pins.
2. Paper bag mummy.
A similar idea to above, but this time use paper bags or brown bags from the grocery store instead of gauze! Cut out holes for eyes and mouth, wrap around their body and you’re done!
3. Painted mummy.
If you’re not a fan of wrapping your kid in fabric, try this painted on mummy instead! Simply add some white makeup (face paint) all over your child’s face, neck and arms to create the effect of wrapped bandages and draw lines with black or dark grey paint to create the effect of stitches between bandages. Finish off with dark makeup around their eyes to look extra ghoulish! You can even add a few splashes of blood around the stitches if desired…