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A Plague Doctor Costume Is a Great Costume Idea For Halloween
October 23, 2013 by admin Leave a Comment
The plague doctor costume is a very unique and interesting way to dress up for Halloween. In this article I am going to explain where you can get these costumes and how they became so popular.
What Is A Plague Doctor?
The plague doctors were people who treated those that were infected with the Black Death or Bubonic Plague. The Black Death or Bubonic Plague was one of the worst pandemics in human history, killing over 75 million people (that’s 1⁄ 3 of the European population at the time). By their profession they were considered doctors, but many of them did not have medical degrees at all and some even had no knowledge of medicine whatsoever. They wore protective suits made of leather, which covered them from head to toe with just enough room for eyes to see through. These suits had beak-like masks on them which contained dried flowers like lavender and rosemary. They believed that these flowers could filter out bad smells which would spread the disease. These outfits also contained gloves, boots, and hats made of leather as well. The plague
A Plague Doctor Costume Is a Great Costume Idea For Halloween
A plague doctor costume is a great costume idea for Halloween. It’s a costume that has been around for centuries, and it’s still popular today among young people and adults alike. The black cloak and the beak are iconic symbols that are instantly recognizable, and they make for a very striking outfit. It can be scary or funny, depending on how you choose to wear it.
Plague doctors have been around for centuries, though the mask is more recent than the profession of plague doctor itself. In fact, the long nose of the mask was originally believed to protect against putrid air, an erroneous theory that was eventually disproven in 1721. However, it is still commonly believed that the mask protected against infection, though there is no evidence of this. The mask used today was invented in 1619 by Charles de Lorme, who also served as Louis XIII’s personal physician. It was constructed using leather and waxed canvas, with glass eyeholes so that the doctor could see without infecting himself with germs through his eyes. The long nose contained herbs or other fragrances to protect against contagion. These masks were often decorated with various designs such as a cross on the forehead or
A Plague Doctor Costume is a great Halloween costume idea. This blog gives some ideas on how to make your own and where you can buy one.
Plague doctor costumes are a great idea for Halloween this year. They make a change from witch and vampire costumes, and are easy to make or buy.
You can make your own plague doctor costume at home, or buy a ready-made one. A plague doctor mask is the most important part of the costume, so make sure you have one of those. Then all you need is a long black coat and hat to look just like a 17th century plague doctor.
You can get all the materials you need for this great costume idea at “Plague Doctor Costume”.
In case you are searching for a plague doctor costume or any other costume, this blog is the right place to be. October is almost here and that means Halloween is just around the corner. This year, why not try something different? Why not try a plague doctor costume?
A plague doctor costume is great for Halloween because it is unique and very creepy at the same time. The great thing about such costumes is that there are plenty of places where you can find them. There are many online stores that offer those costumes, so if you want to get yours quickly and without hassle, you should buy it from one of these online stores. When you do so, make sure you buy it from a store with a well-known name, as that way you can be sure that the costume will be of high quality and will also look exactly like in the picture on their website.
If you decide to buy your plague doctor costume from an online store, make sure that they have some kind of return policy, just in case something goes wrong with the product after it arrives. Also make sure that the product arrives in time for Halloween (or at least before October 31st), because most online stores have a certain time period during which you can return their products if something goes wrong.
Plague Doctor Costume – a Perfect Halloween Idea
The Plague Doctor Costume is one of the most popular costumes for Halloween. This can be attributed to the fact that it is a costume that is easy to make, and also because of its spooky look.
Here are some tips on how you can make your own plague doctor costume:
The first thing that you need to do is to get yourself a pair of black pants and a coat. These two items will form the basic foundation of your costume. You then need to add the hat. This should be made of felt, and should have a brim that is wide enough to cover your eyes totally. The brim should also be pointed at both ends. The hat should also have two small holes cut into it so that you can see out of it.
You will also need a mask for this costume. This can be made by cutting out two circles from cardboard and cutting out a hole in the center of each circle big enough for your nose. Then glue the two circles together, leaving room for your nose in between them. Then paint the mask black, or you could just buy one ready made from a costume shop if you wanted to save time and effort!
Now all you have to do is put on your plague doctor
The plague doctor costume is one of the most recognizable costumes. With it’s distinctive beaked mask and black cloak, the plague doctor costume conjures up a sense of mystery and awe.
Before we go any further, I want to make something clear: wearing one of these costumes doesn’t mean you actually have the plague. But if you do have the plague, then you should probably not wear one of these costumes or any other costume for that matter. You should see a doctor.
Plague Doctor Costume History
The beaked mask was worn by a particular kind of medical professional during the 17th century. During this time many people died from the bubonic plague, which was spread by fleas and rats. The theory of germs was not yet discovered, so doctors believed that diseases were spread through bad air (miasma). To counter this belief, they wore long dark cloaks and masks with beaks filled with aromatic items such as herbs and flowers. They would walk among the sick to treat them while holding their noses, hoping to avoid contracting the disease themselves.
A plague doctor costume is a great idea for anyone looking for something special to wear to a Halloween party. These costumes are unique, and they have a lot of history behind them. They are also very simple to make.
You can get all of the materials from local craft stores, including the mask and the robe. The mask is what gives people chills when they see it because it looks like the person wearing it has some kind of disease and is contagious. You can also buy a mask online, but it will be best if you make one yourself.
The robe is black, long and sleeveless with a hood that fully covers your head, except for your eyes. There should be two bird-like beaks attached to the mask. You can buy these online or make them yourself if you feel like crafting.
Keep in mind that not many people will know what you are wearing when they see you dressed as a plague doctor, so if you want people to know who you are supposed to be, then consider making yourself a sign with your name on it that reads “I am a plague doctor.”