Welcome to the official How To Dress Like A Wizard blog! I’m a “furry” who loves dressing up as Harry Potter and other wizards. This blog is meant to help other furries get started in creating their own wizard costumes and “fursuits”.
For information about what a furry is, read my post What Is A Furry?
Table of Contents
How To Dress Like A Wizard: Creating Your Own Fursuit
How To Dress Like A Wizard: The Wand
How To Dress Like A Wizard: The Broomstick
Some More Resource Links and Information
This post is on the subject of dressing up in wizard costumes. It has been quite some time since my last post, which was on the subject of wizards and magic. If you are not a fan of Harry Potter or other wizards, you may be thinking that this post is about paganism and religion. However, I would like to point out that I am not a member of any particular religion or sect. I am simply a writer who is interested in the subject of wizards and magic.
I recently received an email from a reader who was wondering how to dress like a wizard for an upcoming party. He asked if I could provide him with some tips on how to dress like a “real” wizard. I thought this was an interesting question, so I decided to write a blog post on the subject.
The question is: How do you dress like a real wizard? This is not easy to answer, because there are many different types of wizards. There are the ones you see in movies and television shows, such as Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings and Dumbledore from Harry Potter. There are also those that you read about in books, such as Merlin from King Arthur and Merlin’s Apprentice by T.H White. Many people have their own ideas about what makes
Welcome to How To Dress Like A Wizard!
This blog is devoted to the art of looking like a professional wizard.
If you’re not sure where to start, here’s our handy guide:
1) Make sure you have a wand. Without it, you don’t look convincing at all! Here are some options for wands:
2) Get a robe. It’s hard to go wrong with black or gray, but if you’re feeling adventurous, try one of these:
3) Don’t forget your glasses! I recommend the classic round Harry Potter ones, but there are lots of options out there:
4) Pick up a scarf in your house colors: red and gold, green and silver, blue and bronze, yellow and black. Here are some options:
5) Pick up some shoes. Converse make great wizard shoes because they come in so many colors. I like these pink ones myself:
6) If you want to get really authentic-looking, pick up an owl or cat plushie or stuffed animal to carry around with you. This is my favorite plushie shop online:
Wizards are pretty popular these days, and the inescapable Harry Potter series has brought them to a new audience. Now that Halloween is coming up, you may be wondering what sort of wizard you can dress up as.
We have a few tips on how to dress like a wizard. If you follow these simple guidelines, it doesn’t matter if you’re a witch or a warlock – you will look magical and mysterious!
The most important part of any wizard costume is the robe. There are many places where you can buy wizard robes – in fact there are so many that it’s hard to choose just one! This is why we recommend making your own. Making your own allows for greater customization, which is important to stand out from the crowd at any costume party.
You’ve heard of the “Harry Potter” franchise. You’ve probably associated it with magic, witches, wizards, etc. There has also been a lot of media interest in the wizarding world and the costumes that people wear to go to wizard school.
In my previous post I talked about how to dress like a witch and what some of the different types of costumes are. In this post I’ll talk about how to dress like a wizard. This is going to be very basic information that you can use for any wizard costume you want to make!
What are Wizards?
Wizards are magical beings who live in an alternate universe called “The Wizarding World”. They have many powers including: casting spells with their wands, turning animals into other creatures, flying on broomsticks, teleporting through time and space, conjuring up food or water, turning invisible and more.
What do Wizards Look Like?
Wizards look like normal humans but they wear robes instead of regular clothes. The robes have many pockets which contain all sorts of magical items such as wands and potions. A wizard’s wand is usually made out of wood with a crystal at one end and it’s used for casting spells.
The Harry Potter books were first published in the UK (by Bloomsbury) and in the US (by Scholastic) between 1997 and 2007.
In those ten years, a lot of merchandise was produced to accompany them. A small amount of it was aimed at adults, but it is by no means easy to find any of these goods now. This blog aims to document the items that were available, and (hopefully) to help other fans get their hands on some of them.
Although there were two adult Harry Potter book collections published by Blooms
The Furry Costume series explores the art of wearing a full-body costume.
Furry costumes can be fun and exciting, but they can also be challenging to wear.
Many furry costumes are made out of multiple materials and layers that can be difficult to navigate in public. If you’re planning on wearing a furry costume to a convention or party, it’s important to remember that your outfit is not something that you should put together at the last minute.
To help you get started with your furry costume, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks for looking like an actual animal!
We recommend starting with an animal that has similar proportions to you. For example, if you’re tall and slim, then an arctic fox might be a good choice. If you’re short or have wide hips, maybe start with something like a husky or pug instead.