Halloween is just around the corner! And, despite all the 2018 Halloween costumes that we have presented to you, we could not forget a very original Halloween costume for women . This does not mean that we forget about Halloween costumes for men, they also have a place in the Day of the Dead. This year’s top is on the Catrina Halloween costume . That is why we bring you this post, with tips to know how to dress up as Catrina on Halloween. You can also get this look with any of the costumes for Halloween 2018 that we have proposed in previous posts. Some costumes closely related to the Day of the Dead.
But what is celebrated on Halloween? All over the world it is the night of the witches, the day of the dead. The world of the living takes the opportunity to entertain their deceased and pay homage to them. Making them see that they have not been forgotten and that they are remembered fondly. A clear example of this day of the dead is the Disney movie Coco. For that reason, we can’t forget about Halloween costumes for kids either . In the end, they are the ones who enjoy this great day the most. At the end of the post you will find Catrina and Catrin costumes for children.
Therefore, as we are mega fans of this day, we bring you a post with simple steps to dress up as Catrina on Halloween. Not only is it a special Halloween costume, it also mixes Mexican culture with a party that has taken root in half the world. Skulls, colors and flowers is what you will need. Let’s do it!
costume of Catrina for Halloween
This can be full body, with a long skirt, short skirt… In this link you can see all the costumes of the day of the dead.
This costume that we leave you as an example is the Miss Catrina costume for women . It is a very original and colorful costume to celebrate the union between the living and the dead. This special day is characterized by skulls and flowers. The skulls symbolize those who are no longer there and the flowers are the offerings. Although it may seem like a sad day, the streets are decorated with colors because this day is a big party.
That is why we bring you this post on how to dress up as Catrina on Halloween. We want you to experience Halloween in an original and fun way.
This Miss Catrina costume has many accessories. However, to get the complete look : you can add some skeleton tights with flower and Catrina makeup . To see how to apply Catrina makeup, you can read our previous post How to paint a skeleton face for Halloween?
Catrina accessories for Halloween
If there is something that perfects a look more, it is accessories. For the Catrina costume we have many different accessories to choose from. In this category of Halloween accessories you can find everything from wigs to gloves. We highlight the most original Catrina accessories that provide that colorful touch that characterizes them.?
For example, the Catrina skull headband with flowers that brings originality and color to the Catrina costume. We also have just the black flower headbands or white flower headband and veil that looks great with a good skeleton makeup. Here we leave you how to do skeleton face makeup for Halloween.
Catrina masks and masks
ince we are talking about accessories and complements, one that is very easy to obtain and with which a complete and easy costume is achieved are the Catrina masks or masks. Here we forget about makeup.
Of all the examples that we bring you, we want to highlight the Day of the Dead mask with flowers . This mask combines great with the Miss Day of the Dead costume.
On the other hand, if you are looking for the most original and striking: you have the veil with a Day of the Dead mask with flowers. This plugin has it all!
Catrina Halloween costumes for children
Halloween costumes for children are the most sought after on these dates. They are the ones who have the most fun on Halloween and we are not surprised.
We couldn’t finish Catrina’s post without setting an example for the little ones. The day of the dead is celebrated by the whole family and the children could not be less. This Catrina costume for girls that we propose has everything you need: costume and accessory. It has black, white and red color. In addition, complemented with a simple make-up of Esqueleto Catrina , the complete look is obtained.
So, to know how to dress up as Catrina on Halloween, you must take into account the costume. The complete look is achieved with accessories such as wigs, headbands, veils and flowers. The Day of the Dead is filled with skulls and colors . If you combine these two factors, you already have the Catrina costume! We have left you many ideas, but it is always better that you see them all together in the theme of Day of the Dead costumes.