How to Make Your Your Lilo Costume

This is a blog about making your very own Lilo costume.

I’ve been wanting to make a Lilo costume for years. I love Lilo & Stitch and Lilo is a pretty simple costume to make. I’m going to go through the steps I took to make mine, in the hopes that it helps anyone else who wants to do the same thing!


1/2 yard blue fabric (for top and bottom)

1/2 yard yellow fabric (for flower)

1/4 yard black fabric (for top)

1/4 yard red fabric (for top)

2 yards white ribbon



sewing machine or needle and thread

Follow these easy steps to make your very own Lilo costume. After a couple of hours, you will have your very own full size lilo costume.

What you need:

2-6 large sheets of poster board (depending on size)

1 small sheet of poster board (for arms)


Paint or markers

Glue gun


Duct tape (optional)

1 pool noodle (optional)

Lilo is the little girl from the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch, who lives in Hawaii. She has a dog named Scrump that she loves to snuggle with, and she loves to sew. In fact, she loves to sew so much that she even sews her own clothes! If you are looking for a fun costume this Halloween, then try dressing up as Lilo. I’ve written this blog to help you make your very own Lilo costume.

First off, you’ll need some basic clothing items:

1. A blue tank top with straps

2. A white skirt

3. Blue flip flops (or sandals)

4. Red ribbons for your hair (optional)

5. A small brown stuffed animal (optional)

Once again Halloween is upon us, and I’m here to help you make a Lilo costume. It’s super easy, comfortable and fun to make.

If you have any questions or comments, let me know. I’d love to hear your feedback.

The easiest way to get started is to download the pattern (which is free). If you can’t sew at all but still want a costume, try this one. And if you want something really simple for your kid, try this one.

Happy Halloween!

The Lilo costume from the movie Lilo and Stitch is a fairly simple costume to make. It’s basically a blue dress and a lei. You can make it from things you probably have lying around the house.

The blue dress can be made from old sheets or other fabric. You want something that will flow in the wind. If you don’t have some blue fabric lying around, you can buy some at any fabric store for under $5.

If you are going to make the dress, you’ll need to take measurements of your body and get a pattern. I won’t go into that right now since it’s not the focus of this article. Your local fabric store should be able to help you out with this.

The lei is easy too! To make it, cut out several flower shapes out of yellow construction paper or poster board and glue them together in a ring shape. You can decorate it with other flowers or leaves if you like. Just wrap it around your neck and voila! You’re now wearing a Lilo costume just like the little girl in the movie!

When choosing a costume, there are many aspects to consider. The most important thing to consider is the right material. I have determined that the best and easiest material to use is foam. This is because it is inexpensive, easy to work with and comes in many different colors.

It is important when choosing your material that you choose the right color. When choosing the right color, you will have to take into consideration what color your skin is and what color your eyes are. This can be very difficult for some people who do not have a lot of experience with this type of thing.

If you are not used to this kind of thing then it may be best for you to get some help from someone who knows what they are doing. They can help you pick out the right color for your costume and make sure that it looks good on you as well as being able to give advice on how to make it fit properly.

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy 🙂

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