PURGE: 5 Tips for Preparing for a successful purging session
Declutter. Purge. Organize.
These are all words that can make someone cringe, but they are vital to the process of getting organized. Purging is a very important part of organizing; you can’t organize your possessions if you have too many of them! Let’s talk about a few tips to make your purge as effective as possible!
1. Pick a time and stick to it
You have the best intentions on making progress with your purge, but then something else comes up and you don’t get to it. Or maybe you have good intentions to declutter, but then only 15 minutes into the project, you second guess yourself and give up or stop making decisions. I’ve been there, that’s why I like to set a timer when I declutter. It keeps me focused and on task for that specific amount of time.
2. Set a goal for what you want to accomplish during each purge session
Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to purge your entire home in one day; instead, set a goal for what you want to achieve during each purge session. Maybe it is an entire room or just one category
You want to purge your closet but you don’t know how to start? You’re overwhelmed by the amount of items in your closet and you don’t know which ones are worth keeping? I’m here to help! Here is my 5 tips for a successful purging session.
1. Get rid of the items that don’t fit you anymore, either too big or too small. This will make the purging process easier on you and might even make you feel better about yourself. Why keep something that doesn’t flatter you?
2. Set aside a specific time for this session and stick to it, try not to get distracted.
3. Make sure all the clothes are clean before starting, there is nothing worse than trying to decide if an item is worth keeping while being distracted by a huge stain on it! What if you decided to keep it and then found out that it’s unwearable because of said stain?
4. Look at each item separately, sometimes we get stuck in our old habits and tend to forget that just because something used to be our favorite piece doesn’t mean it still is, or that we still need it now that our style has changed. Try not holding on to items simply because they have sentimental value and ask yourself how often
Maybe you’ve heard of the purge, and maybe you haven’t.
I’m not talking about the movie or even the concept. I am referring to the real deal.
The PURGE is a method of purging your life that helps you to get rid of stuff in a very short time.
You can purge whatever you want but here are some ideas for what I have found works really well:
1) Clothes: Take out every item of clothing that you own and put it together in one place (or several places if necessary). Go through each item and decide if it is something that you want to keep or not. Throw out any clothes that are damaged beyond repair or give them to a charity shop. If you’re thinking that this is going to be an overwhelming task, don’t worry! It’s actually not as bad as it sounds!
2) Furniture: This might sound like an odd choice, but furniture can take up a lot of space in your home and it’s often easier to get rid of old pieces rather than buy new ones. In addition to saving money on buying new furniture, getting rid of unnecessary items will also free up floor space so that other things can fit in better – like a couch or chair instead of having them
Purging is all about efficiency! Purging is also about letting go and getting what you truly want and deserve, but things can get a little hectic if you’re not organized. I am going to share 5 tips that will help you organize your purging sessions so that you are getting the most out of them!
TIP 1: Create a space for yourself.
Whether it’s your bed, the dining room table or even a space on the floor, make sure you have a place where you can sort through your stuff and make decisions. You don’t need to be surrounded by items that belong in other areas of the house while you’re trying to decide what to purge.
TIP 2: Set aside time.
Set aside enough time so that you don’t feel rushed. Sit down with your calendar and figure out when you can dedicate yourself 100% to purging for 2 hours (or however long it takes). If this is your first time purging, I would recommend setting an alarm at 30 minute intervals just so that your mind stays focused (you don’t want to end up watching Netflix!).
TIP 3: Gather supplies.
First things first, grab some garbage bags and clearly label them with “donate”, “sell” and
Decide when you want to start your purging session and give yourself at least a few days to prepare. The first thing you need to do is to accept the fact that purging can be hard and take time. Be patient with yourself, don’t expect huge changes in a short amount of time and just try to enjoy the process as much as possible.
Before you get started, gather up everything you’ll need. You’re going to need a garbage bag or two and maybe some boxes for donations. If you’re planning on selling some items, then you might want to consider making a box for that too. Other than those things all you’ll need are your clothes, shoes and accessories!
I always love listening music while I get ready so why not also while I purge? Creating a playlist will help keep you focused and motivated throughout the process, it’s also something fun and exciting to do before your purging session.
Decide how long you want to work on purging your closet for and set a timer so that you know when it is time to stop. This will help ensure that you
1. Purging can be emotional.
2. Purging can be time consuming.
3. Not everyone wants to purge (this is a con because they will be surrounded by clutter and chaos, but it is a pro because they won’t have to take on the emotional or physical stress of purging).
4. Purging can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to start.
5. You may miss items you got rid of and need to replace them. However, if you are prepared for this ahead of time (and plan for it in your budget), it’s not necessarily a bad thing as long as it happens infrequently and you are replacing only things that were truly needed (and not just shopping for fun).
6. You may find items that haven’t been used in years but still have value or could be sold so this is a way to make some money while decluttering at the same time! The more often you purge the less clutter there will be, making future purges easier because there will simply not be as much stuff around anymore!
1. Set up a space
You are going to want a big, open space to lay out all the clothes you plan on sorting through. This will help you see what you have and make it easier to decide what to keep and what to purge.
2. Have the right supplies
Make sure that you have a bag or box for items that no longer fit your style and are ready to be donated, a box or bag for items that do not fit or need mending and a box or bag for any items that need to be taken to the dry cleaner. For example, if you have an item of clothing that is your favorite but it has a stain or needs to be hemmed, put it in the mending box so it can get fixed and put back into rotation
3. Don’t think too hard
If you find yourself trying to convince yourself that an item fits, does not need to be mended or maybe will come back in style, toss it in the donate pile without thinking twice about it. If you find yourself questioning why you purchased something in the first place, toss it in the donate pile. If you haven’t worn an item of clothing in over a year then toss it in the donate pile. I promise there will be no regrets