Why You Should Stop Buying Halloween Costumes from the Store and DIY Instead

I used to be one of those people who loved shopping for Halloween costumes. I’d spend hours at the store, trying things on and looking for the perfect costume. It felt like Christmas! I loved it. That was years ago. Now, I love spending Halloween with my friends and family but I hate shopping for costumes. I don’t hate buying the materials to make my own costumes though.

I’ve been making my own costumes since college and now, with two kids of my own, I’m always trying to think of fun DIY costumes they can wear on Halloween (and other days too). It’s not just about saving money either. There are so many reasons that you should stop buying halloween costumes from the store and DIY instead!

Why You Should Stop Buying Halloween Costumes from the Store and DIY Instead

Saves money (this is an obvious one)

Why You Should Stop Buying Halloween Costumes from the Store and DIY Instead

By Amy-Mae Turner

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, because I love dressing up in costumes and going to parties. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find or make a great costume that really shows off your creativity.

Luckily, there are plenty of great DIY Halloween costumes out there, and you only need a few basic supplies like paint, cardboard and glue to make them. If you want some inspiration for your next costume, check out some of these DIY ideas below.

Halloween is around the corner. And while you’re probably still debating which Netflix show or movie you should dress up as, I have a better question: Why are you even buying a costume at all? There’s a reason there’s a whole section of Reddit dedicated to DIY costumes.

Sure, there’s no doubt that a store-bought costume will save you time and effort. But if you put in the work to make your own costume, it can end up being way cooler and more original than anything you could find at Target or Party City.

This Halloween, we’re challenging you to DIY your Halloween costume instead of buying one from the store. We’ve gone through some of our favorite dramas and comedies on Netflix to find awesome DIY ideas for Halloween costumes based on TV shows that you can totally rock this year.

You’ll also be saving money with these costumes—most of them use clothes and accessories that you probably already have in your closet! All the items that aren’t part of your normal wardrobe are simple enough to buy from Amazon or Old Navy so they won’t cost much at all.

Here are some great ideas for Halloween costumes based on TV shows that are easy enough for anyone to pull off!

A DIY costume is a great way to save money and get into the spirit of Halloween. It’s a lot easier than you think, and it gives you the chance to be creative. For your inspiration, we have several costume ideas for you to consider below.

DIY costumes are great for those with a bit of creativity. You don’t need to spend lots of money on a store-bought costume when you can make one yourself. All it takes is a little bit of time and some basic materials. There are plenty of options out there, so take your pick!

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) costumes are often more creative, unique, and cost less than their store-bought counterparts. If you want to make your own costume this year but aren’t sure how, here are some ideas that might help get your creative juices flowing:

Halloween is just around the corner and if you haven’t started on your costume yet, now is the time! Whether or not you go out trick-or-treating with friends or stay home and hand out candy, dressing up in an awesome costume is always fun… unless you’re one of those people who hates dressing up for any occasion whatsoever! If that’s the case

As a kid, I remember running down the aisle at Walmart or Target to pick out a Halloween costume. My parents would let me browse and try on a few, but the selection was limited and nothing ever felt right. The costumes were always too itchy, too baggy and loose, or just not what I had in mind.

As an adult, I’ve started DIY’ing my own costumes, which lets me be more creative with what I wear and includes things that are comfortable and practical for trick or treating. As an added bonus, it’s usually cheaper than going out to buy something.

Below are some examples of DIY costumes I’ve made for myself and my kids. For each one, I’ll include the materials needed, how long it took to make the costume, and how much it cost.

It’s almost Halloween, which means it’s time for the annual tradition of costume shopping. But before you run out to your nearest party store, consider taking a different approach by making your own costumes this year.

While creating your own costume is more work than buying one, there are several advantages. Costumes can be expensive, especially if you’re shopping for kids’ sizes. By making a costume yourself you can save a lot of money—and who doesn’t like that?

Making your own costume also gives you an opportunity to get creative, and you might end up with something more unique than what you’d find in a store. You have the freedom to design and create your own look with pieces from around the house or thrift store finds.

If you’ve never made a Halloween costume before, don’t worry. These ideas are easy enough that even novices will feel confident in their ability to do it themselves. If you’ve been sewing for years, these tutorials might inspire you to come up with your own original design.

Whether you want to make something spooky or cute (or both), we’ve got some great ideas for you and kids. Here are some DIY costumes gathered from around the web that will help inspire you to make some ghosts and goblins

A lot of people complain about the price of Halloween costumes these days. I’ll admit that they can be expensive, especially if you decide to purchase a “licensed” costume. But don’t let that stop you from dressing up this year! All it takes is some creativity and a few household items to make your own homemade costume.

So what are some good DIY costumes that won’t break the bank? Well, here are a few ideas I came up with:

– Hula Girl: Just get a grass skirt and some leis!

– Hot Dog: If you have an old pair of red pants, white tights and a yellow shirt, you can pull off this wiener in a bun look.

– Homemade pumpkin costume for kids: All you need is orange felt and scissors!

– Homemade Monster Costume for Kids: This one takes some sewing but could be worth it if you have a little one who wants to be an adorable monster!

– Princess: The easiest costume ever. Just put on your favorite dress and tiara!

– Superhero Costume: Dress in all black with a cape or dress up as Clark Kent (just add horned rimmed glasses!)

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